March 19, 2018

Great Backyard Bird Count 2018––Stories from the Field

GBBC 2018 summary results

Campus Bird Count 2018 summary results

A large number of birders uploaded lists to the eBird India platform during this year’s GBBC and CBC. This included several regular and experienced birders, birders who organized events and counts in their regions, state coordinators who were instrumental in ensuring the counts went off smoothly and several participants who experienced birdwatching for the first time ever!

GBBC/CBC participants at SK University of Agricultural Science and Technology, Kashmir. Photo: Intesar Suhail.

View some accounts by the participants themselves on the following pages. If you want to submit a write-up highlighting your activities during this year’s GBBC, please do not hesitate to send one in and we’ll add it here!


Title Author
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands Arun Singh
2 National Capital Region (NCR) Misha Bansal
3 Jammu and Kashmir Parvez Shagoo
4 Mangalore University Thasmai H S
5 MIT, Manipal Rahul Narlanka
6 Government Ayurveda College, Kannur Mukundan Kizhakkemadham
7 Mumbai and Surrounds The Sprouts
8 Indore and Madhya Pradesh Ajay Gadikar
9 Himachal Pradesh Wildlife Wing, HP Forest Department
10 Isha Home School, Coimbatore Praajita Manas Ranade (Class 7)
10 Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Maharashtra Lakshmikant Neve
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Pourush Borgaonkar
Pourush Borgaonkar
7 years ago

this activity is attracting more and more young people , they learn the importance of protecting environment and life of other animal. I am retired forest officer, naturally wild life and environment protection is my passion. My son is an Army officer. They have large campuses with lots of trees which support birds and other animals. Where ever I go , I prepare list of birds and give it to the concerned officer to be kept in record and also request them to conduct census in ensuing.

Bird Count India
7 years ago

Wonderful to hear this Sir! We need more and more people, from all professions and walks of life to be involved. Please let us know if Bird Count India can be of any assistance. Our email address is [email protected]

Babasaheb Jawale
Babasaheb Jawale
6 years ago

बहोत अच्छा कार्य हो रहा है. विद्यार्थीयोंमे पर्यावरण और पंछीयोंमे रुची बढने लगी है!

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