eBirders of the Month

September 2018 eBirders of the month

Updated on 11 Oct 2018 to correct an error in analysis As the winter approaches, both migrants and birders are more active. Here is the breakup of eBirding in India in the month of September 2018 (with previous month in brackets): Number of birders: 1,171 (1,069)...


August 2018 eBirders of the month

We see a bit of an uptick in birding in August, as some migrants start trickling in and birders venture further afield. Here is the breakup of eBirding in India in the month of August 2018 (with previous month in brackets): Number of birders: 1,069 (920) Number of...


July 2018 eBirders of the month

Breeding of many species continues in July, and we should also see a number of fledgelings and birds in immature plumage in the breaks between the rain. Here is the breakup of birding in India in the month of July 2018 (with previous month in brackets): Number of...


June 2018 eBirders of the month

June brings welcome rain to many parts of the country, and a number of species are in full breeding activity, so it is a very interesting month for birding. Here is the breakup of birding in India in the month of June 2018 (with previous month in brackets): Number...


May 2018 eBirders of the month

May is the month with the lowest birding activity in India, but hundreds of intrepid birders are still out there, watching and recording the species they see! Here is the breakup of birding in India in the month of May 2018 (with previous month in brackets): Number...


March 2018 eBirders of the month

After February (which contains the  GBBC), generally see a bit of a drop in birding activity, but those who do go out birding in March are usually not disappointed! Here is the breakup of birding in India in the month of March 2018 (with previous month in...


February 2018 eBirders of the month

With the winter, the GBBC, and several other events and festivals - February is a month for birding quite unlike any other! Here is the breakup of birding in India in the month of February 2018 (with previous month in brackets): Number of birders: 2,273 (1,476)...


January 2018 eBirders of the month

Birding is (almost?) at its peak in January. Here is the break-up of eBirding in India in Jan 2018 (with previous month in brackets). Number of birders: 1,476 (1,792) Number of lists (all types): 16,500 (25,500) Number of observations: 3.37 lakh (4.59 lakh) January...


December 2017 eBirders of the month

December is peak birding season in much of India. Here is the break-up of eBirding in India in Dec 2017 (with previous month in brackets). Number of birders: 1,476 (1,288) Number of lists (all types): 16,500 (12,800) Number of observations: 3.37 lakh (2.42 lakh)...


November 2017 eBirders of the month

As temperatures cool and migrations spread through the country, birders fan out as well. Here is the break-up of eBirding in India in Nov 2017 (with previous month in brackets). Number of birders: 1,288 (1,162) Number of lists (all types): 12,800 (11,000) Number of...


October 2017 eBirders of the month

October is when the winter migration season heats up and more and more birders are out and about. Here is the break-up of eBirding in India in Oct 2017 (with previous month in brackets). Number of birders: 1,162 (957) Number of lists (all types): 11,000 (12,100)...


September 2017 eBirders of the month

September sees more of a transition in our birdlife, a transition that starts in July and continues on to November -- with more and more species and individuals of migrant birds seeking their winter home in India. Accordingly, September usually sees an uptick in...