eBirders of the Month

October 2020 eBirders of the Month

Thanks to all the birders who participated in Wild Bird Day/ October Big Day and Global Bird Weekend! As a result, this month saw an increase in birding activity. Here is the break-up of eBirding in India in October 2020 (with the previous month in brackets)....


September 2020 eBirders of the Month

September sees a rush of migrants arriving in India, some that stay the duration of the winter and others that move on after a few days. As a result, September normally sees an increase in birding activity in our country. Here is the break-up of eBirding in India...


August 2020 eBirders of the Month

With the early migrants trickling in, there has been a slight increase in birding activity. Here is the breakup of eBirding in India in the month of August 2020 (with the previous month in brackets): Number of birders: 1,810 (1,745) Number of lists (all types): 17,...


July 2020 eBirders of the Month

While fledglings and immature of many species are seen in July, there are still a few species that continue breeding. Here is the breakup of birding in India in the month of July 2020 (with the previous month in brackets): Number of birders: 1,745 (2,014) Number of...


June 2020 eBirders of the Month

With the monsoon reaching many parts of India in June, many birds are breeding -- either building nests and incubating eggs, or busy feeding young and taking care of fledgelings. To mark this, the India eBirding challenge for June included looking for and reporting...


May 2020 eBirders of the month

Full lockdown in most parts of India ended partway through May. The earlier April challenge and the Lockdown Birding Challenge both had the target as uploading exactly 15 min lists, which caused a fair bit of confusion. So this month we are going back to our usual...


April 2020 eBirders of the Month

India was in full lockdown for all of April, with most people required to stay at home. Many took up the challenge of exploring the birds at or around their homes, and helped document them by uploading their lists on eBird. Here is the breakup of eBirding in the...


March 2020 eBirders of the Month

The all-India lockdown began towards the end of March, but people had already begun restricting their movements some days before. Despite this, there was a lot of birding in March. It isn't straightforward to compare birding with the previous months, though,...


February 2020 eBirders of the Month

If it's February, then it's the Great Backyard Bird Count that's occupying everyone's minds. The GBBC usually results in a spike in birding, and this year was no different. Here is the breakup of eBirding in the country in February 2020 (with previous month in...


January 2020 eBirders of the month

We begin the year with a bang! The combination of the new year and the Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) meant a jump in eBirding in India. Here is the breakup of eBirding in the country in January 2020 (with previous month in brackets): Number of birders: 2,776...


December 2019 eBirders of the month

The last month of the year is usually a heavily birded one, and this year is no different. Here is the breakup of eBirding in the country in December 2019 (with previous month in brackets): Number of birders: 2,220 (2,068)Number of lists (all types): 20,300...


November 2019 eBirders of the month

With the winter season hotting up (cooling down?), more and more birders are out and about. Here is the breakup of eBirding in the country in November 2019 (with previous month in brackets): Number of birders: 2,068 (1,924)Number of lists (all types): 19,300...