Patterns and Analysis
News & Updates, Patterns and Analysis

Magh Bihu Bird Count 2020-Results

Magh Bihu Bird Count 2020, was the first Bihu Bird Count that took place from 11th to 13th January, 2020. The aim is to encourage people to go birding anywhere, recording and sharing their observations and uploading their checklists on the eBird website. The...

Patterns and Analysis

Birders documenting bird migration

Note: some of the animations in this post are large files, and may take a few minutes to load. Bird migration is one of nature's great wonders. But despite a long history of research on migration, there is still much to learn! In this article, let's take the...

Patterns and Analysis

Birds of Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Maharashtra

A Patch Report by Lakshmikant Rajaram Neve This report describes the birds and other wildlife of the Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, Maharashtra. It is based primarily on the period March 2016 to May 2017, and is a summary of the winning report submitted to Bird...

Blog, Patterns and Analysis

The Rain Bird and the Monsoon

The Pied Cuckoo is well known to birdwatchers and in folklore as the bird that heralds the beginning of the monsoon. Legend has it that the 'chaatak' arrives just in advance of the rains. When the first Pied Cuckoo of the season is spotted, the rains can't be far...

Blog, Patterns and Analysis

Any black on the wings, Mr. Jungle Babbler?

The following article has been written by Chinmay Rahane.  The classification of birds into different species, known as avian taxonomy, is a fluid subject. Bird species are being split quite frequently these days, often due to advances in molecular methods. These...

News & Updates, Patterns and Analysis

Pongal Bird Count 2017 – Results

The Pongal Bird Count (PBC), an initiative of the TamilBirds network, is an annual bird monitoring program. Take a look at the results of the third edition of this event PBC 2017 as well read descriptions of many memorable moments as recounted by several...

Patterns and Analysis, Projects

Three years of the Mysore Bird Atlas

The Mysore City Bird Atlas has completed three years of operation and summaries of the results for 2014-2016 are available to view and download! The Atlas is a systematic attempt to document the city's birds; both across the urban span and across two seasons:...