News & Updates
Events, News & Updates

Onam Bird Count this weekend

Bird Count India is proud to be a partner in the upcoming Onam Bird Count, 28-31 August 2015. The Onam Bird Count is part of the twice-yearly series of bird counts conducted across the state of Kerala. Kerala's Common Bird Monitoring Programme takes place in Feb...

News & Updates

eBird India portal launched

We are very happy to announce the launch of the eBird India portal today. More and more birders from India are using eBird to maintain their bird sightings and to run local or regional projects. But until now, the content available on the eBird site has not been...

News & Updates, Projects

Kerala Bird Atlas starts today

For the first time in the India, a planned and systematic atlassing effort at the State level is getting underway. The Kerala Bird Atlas effort is expected to take 5 years to complete. Roughly one out of every ten kilometre squares will be surveyed once each in...

News & Updates

Bird Count happenings, June 2015

Here is the next in our irregular series of updates: Bird Count happenings. The previous update was in October last year, and it's time to take stock of what has happened over the last nine months and to look at what the future holds. The Bird Count India...

News & Updates

Important Bird Areas and eBird data

Important Bird Areas (IBAs) are key sites for bird conservation, so it is important to carefully document the birds they contain, and subsequently monitor the sites to assess the efficacy of management and to detect early signals of trouble. In this post, we...

News & Updates

Kerala Bird Monitoring Workshop: June 2015

For the second year on the run, a one day workshop on Bird Monitoring in Kerala was held at Centre for Wildlife Studies, College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur on 14 June 2015 . About 70 birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts, representing...

News & Updates, Projects

Where are the birding gaps? Part II

By Kulbhushansingh Suryawanshi Over the last year, eBird's popularity amongst birders in India has grown rapidly. An increasing number of birders are using eBird as a platform to keep track of their bird sightings and locations and for planning their upcoming bird...

News & Updates

Great Backyard Bird Count 2015––Final Results

GBBC-India 2015 home | Results (new) View Google presentation Participation in GBBC-India 2015 followed roughly along the lines of last year's pattern, but there were some differences. The number of lists submitted (over 7,000) was over double that of last year,...

News & Updates

One million bird observations from India

We are happy to announce that today (5 Feb) morning, eBird in India crossed the milestone of 1 million records! More details will be provided in a following post, but we wanted to share this news with you as soon as possible. Many thanks to all eBird users and all...

News & Updates

‘Sharing’ your bird lists

Birding is often a solitary pursuit. Some of our most memorable experiences are from birding alone; with no other person coming between us and our immersion in the natural world and the wonders it contains. But birding can also be an immensely rewarding social...

News & Updates

eBird names for Indian species

If you have ever been confused by the names that eBird uses for Indian birds, have been frustrated at not being able to find the species you want, or would like to see how eBird names correspond to other major bird naming systems, then this article is for you! [You...

News & Updates

New or confusing species names

Recent changes in taxonomy have made life a bit more complicated for us birders in India (and elsewhere), and some familiar species suddenly have new names! Here is a list of name changes for some common species. In making this list, we assume that you have set...