eBirders of the Month

August 2017 eBirders of the month

It has been raining over much of the country in August. Many resident birds are in the late stages of breeding, and fledglings and juveniles are quite common to see: a great time for birding! Here is the break-up of eBirding in India in Aug 2017 (with previous...


July 2017 eBirders of the Month

Of the 925 eBirders from India in July, 55 met or exceeded the July target. 11 birders met the target for the gap-filling challenge.


June 2017 eBirders of the Month

With the monsoon bringing a welcome break from the summer heat in some parts of the country, June is a good time to be out and about -- for example looking for breeding birds. Here is the break-up of eBirding in India in June 2017 (with previous month in brackets)....


May 2017 eBirders of the Month

The summer doldrums have set in, and birders are not venturing out as much as we did in the winter months. There are still good reasons to be out birding, though! Here is the break-up of eBirding in India in May (with previous month in brackets). Number of birders:...


April 2017 eBirders of the Month

Before moving on to the results for the monthly challenges, here is a brief glimpse of birding in April by-the-numbers (with previous month in brackets). Number of birders: 1,060 (1,360) Number of lists (all types): 10,200 (20,600) Number of lists (complete, 15min...


March 2017 eBirders of the Month

This announcement is much later than normal. We ordinarily post the results of the previous month's challenge on the 6th of the following month. This time there was a delay in obtaining the raw eBird data, hence the delay in announcing the results of the March 2017...


February 2017 eBirders of the month

To begin with, our apologies for the late announcement, but there has been so much to do during and after the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC), that we are a bit behind in several things. eBirding activity in February tends to be particularly high because of the...


January 2017 eBirders of the month

A new year, a new beginning, and a refreshed commitment to birds and birding! Birding activity in the winter, and especially in January and February, tends to be higher than at any other time in the year; so before  announcing the results of the monthly challenge,...


December 2016 eBirders of the month

At the close of the year, how have birders risen to the last monthly challenge of 2016? As with the past two months, we continued with both the regular monthly challenge  and also the new gap-filling challenge. Before announcing the results, let's look at the...


November 2016 eBirders of the Month

This November saw the launch of an additional challenge -- the gap-filling challenge, to supplement the regular monthly challenge. We intend for the gap-filling challenge to be a regular feature from now on. Before announcing the results, let's look at the break-up...


October 2016 eBirders of the Month

Have you taken a look at What's on in November? Do take a few minutes for that before reading on! Now on to the challenge. When we set the challenge for October (15 hours of birding in the month), we thought that there would be a handful of people who met the...