May 11, 2017

Endemic Bird Day: Quiz 5 and Answer 4

It’s time for the final quiz in the Endemic Bird Day quiz series.

Remember to take part in the Endemic Bird Day this year on 13 May 2017, an event that celebrates the resident and endemic birdlife of the Indian subcontinent.

Congratulations to everyone who answered Quiz 4 correctly. The answer was:

Indian Pitta


Indian Pitta © Renuka Vijayaraghavan (Checklist)

a. Range Map – The Indian Pitta migrates within the subcontinent, spending the winter in the southern part of India and in Sri Lanka, and breeding in central and north India.

b. The Indian Pitta is also known as the 6 o’clock bird – for its peculiar behaviour of calling at dusk and dawn.

c. The Indian Pitta is known for sporting 9 colours on its plumage and has a number of names in multiple languages that refer to it for the same (Naurang, navarang, etc). In Tamil, it is also known as ‘Kattu-alechi’, meaning “wind-blown”.

Congratulations to everyone who answered correctly:

Abhijeet Sawant, Abhiram Sankar, Abhishek ravindra, Able Lawrence, Aditya Nayak, Ajay Gadikar, Akash Gulalia, Akshay Shinde, Akshay Surendra, Amitayu Dey, Amruta Kanagali, Anil Goyal, Anu Rajagopal, Aravind Amirtharaj, Archana, Ashwin Viswanathan, Balakrishnan Ram, Biswajit Chakdar, Catherene Christian, Chandra Sekhar Bandi, Chayant Gonsalves, Chetna Sharma, Chinmay Rahane, Chirag Munje, Deepa Mohan, Dhyey Shah, Elavarasan M, Ganeshwar SV, Govind Girija, Harshada kulkarni, Hemanya radadia, Jaideep Krishnan, Jaswinder Waraich, Jayita Mukherjee, JN Prasad, Jobin Varughese, Kavi Nanda, Komal, Krishna Deepak, Krishna Murthy, Kunal Angrish, Malyasri Bhattacharya, Melvin Jaison, Milind Ganatra, Mittal Gala, Mohammed Sayeer.P.K., Mohit Aggarwal, Mohit Sahu, Mohith Shenoy K, Mohith Unny, N.Mahathi, Neel Gadikar, Nimish Subramaniam, Pankaj Gupta, Parikshit Khisty, Pradnyavant Mane, Rachna, Rajive Das, Rama Neelamegam, Ritvik Singh, Rohidas Revankar, Sangita S. Mani, Sanjay Karanth, Savithri Singh, Selvaganesh K, Shanmugam Kalidass, Shashank Birla, Simon Roddis, Srikaanth Sekar, Swetashree Purohit, Syed Muzamil, Tanmay Subramaniam, Tarun, Vaidehi Gunjal, Vidhya Sundar, Vikrant Choursiya, Vinay Bharadwaj, Vinita Sangwan, Vivek Puliyeri, Vrinda lath, Yogesh B, Yogesh Parashar, Yogesh Patel

It’s time for quiz 5. Please see the clues below:

Can you guess the name of the person in the image and the 5 endemics that have been named after him?

(Note: It is OK if you do not submit the names of endemics 3, 4, and 5 in the correct order)

Please do not post the answer in the comments section 🙂

The answer to this quiz will be revealed soon.

Maps and image acquired from eBird and Wikimedia Commons.

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Savithri Singh
7 years ago

The last one was fun!!

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