News & Updates, Projects

Pulicat Bird Atlas

For the first time in Pulicat’s history, birding communities and birdwatchers from across India are coming together in a unified effort to conduct this long-term bird atlas project.

A Plain Prinia perched on a dry twig with its tail raised, against a soft blue sky background. The text "Pulicat Bird Atlas" appears to the left of the bird.

Hyderabad Bird Atlas

The Hyderabad Bird Atlas (HBA) is a citizen science project aimed at systematically documenting bird species in and around the city of Hyderabad.

hydrebad bird atlas logo

Ahmedabad Bird Atlas

The Ahmedabad City Bird Atlas, initiated by Ahmedabad University in collaboration with the Bird Conservation Society Gujarat, kicks off on 1 December 2024. This citizen science survey is the first of its kind in Gujarat and aims to map the city's bird diversity.

Poster advertising Ahmedabad City Bird Atlas starting on 1 Dec 2024 in Ahmedabad. Gujarat
News & Updates, Projects

Kerala Beachcombing

The Kerala Beachcombing is a systematic survey to study the shorebirds of the entire coastline of the state involving citizens from all walks of life like the beginners, amateurs and senior birders. 

Sanderlings flying along the sea shore. Photograph by Krishnamoorthy Muthirulan and Macaulay Library
News & Updates, Projects

Patch Monitoring Project Leaderboard

Updated: October 2022 The Patch Monitoring Project began in July 2021 with the objective to systematically monitor birds in local birding patches. Monitoring such patches in the long-term can lead to fascinating and invaluable insights about the state of birds in...

News & Updates, Projects

Patch Monitoring Project—Systematic Bird Monitoring

Results of 2022 Patch Monitoring Project Suhel Quader made an eBird checklist almost every school day, from January 2014 to December 2019, while he walked his children to their bus stop. He analysed the data to come up with this beautiful representation of the...

Patterns and Analysis, Projects

Coimbatore City Bird Atlas Feb-Mar 2020 Report

Coimbatore City Bird Atlas (CCBA) is a citizen science project to map the distribution and abundance of birds of the Coimbatore city using field surveys between 2020 and 2022. The city was gridded and divided into thirty-seven, 3.3 km x 3.3 km cells. Each cell is a...


Coimbatore City Bird Atlas

This citizen science project is aimed to understand the distribution and abundance of birds of the Coimbatore City through a systematic survey. This work closely follows the already completed Mysore city Bird Atlas and the ongoing Kerala Bird Atlas. Technical...