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Great Backyard Bird Count 2018––Final Results

GBBC 2018 | Bird Walks & Talks (Registration form) | Resources | Contacts | Campus Bird Count 2018 14,000 lists 1,491 participants 839 species 8,400 person-hours Summary The sixth GBBC in India saw over 14,000 lists from almost 1,500 birders racking up over...

Eurasian Kestrel By Rahul Singh
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Calling all photographers!

Merlin is coming to India... but to launch it successfully, multiple images of Indian birds are needed to train the app to identify them.

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Welcome to 2018!

A New Year, and so many places to go and birds to see and admire. What can we look forward to in documenting the birds of our beautiful country?

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Delhi eBirders’ Meet-up: 25 November 2017

On 25 November 2017, some eBirders from the city organized a meet-up to get birders together under one roof with the aims of discussing eBird, how to use it more productively, and to ensure that the growth of eBird in Delhi is sustained over the coming years.

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Bird links 24Nov17

Here is the second in our series of occasional bird links (see earlier post here) - we list some interesting articles from India and around the world. Do write in if you have a suggestion: [email protected] Ever been confused by changing bird names, definition...

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One million bird records from Tamil Nadu

By P. Jeganathan Birders of yesteryear had field notebooks and pens or pencils to write down what they saw in the field. Some of them took copious notes and published their sightings in scientific journals and trip reports. Starting from early 2014, the online...

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Using eBird through the India portal

Cross-posted from If you are an eBirder from India, please ensure that your lists are tagged as part of the eBird India portal, and you will be helping India meet its international biodiversity...