
Lockdown Birding Diaries— Under The Ficus Tree

This is a guest post by Kaushik Sarkar, who is a nature enthusiast with great interest in avian ecology and interactions of birds with the modified environments and transitioning landscapes. He graduated with an MSc in Wildlife Biology and Conservation from NCBS...


GBBC 2021: Stories from the field

Around 3000 eBirders in India participated in this year's Great Backyard Bird Count and Campus Bird Count. Birders across the country were busy organizing and conducting bird talks and walks, introducing new people to birds and bird watching. Here are some of the...


Wild Bird Day 2020: Stories from the field

In 2018, we launched a new event called Wild Bird Day. This day-long event happens every year in October coinciding with the global birding event- October Big Day. The goal of the event is to watch and document birds in 24 hours and upload as many checklists as you...


Are buildings the new killing fields for birds?

Birds bring us joy in many ways! While some people set up birdbaths and feeders on their window panes and balconies to attract birds, did you know that many birds also die in collisions with glass? Since 2019, Bird Count India has partnered with FLAP Canada in...


Frosted, dusted, textured – Is your glass bird friendly?

Birds often see the reflection of trees and the sky in glass windows, balconies and fly into them. Studies show that many million bird deaths occur annually in the United States due to such collisions. Although in India many of us have come across such incidents,...


Great Backyard Bird Count 2020–– Stories from the field

This year's Great Backyard Bird Count and Campus Bird Count in India, saw a participation of more than 2000 people. Birders across the country were busy organizing and conducting bird talks and walks, introducing new people to birds and bird watching. Here are some...


Tadoba’s Women Birding Squad

Tadoba's Women Birding Squad Written by Pooja Pawar “Oh, this bird appears so close”; “such bright colours and so clearly visible through this binocular!” exclaimed the first-time bird-watching group of ladies from Moharli Village, looking at the Indian Roller....


A Birdwatcher’s Pledge for 2020

2020: A BIRDWATCHER'S PLEDGE Observe I will observe birds at any opportunity I will enjoy all the other miracles of nature too I will record my observations and contribute to a better understanding of birds Be kind I will be kind to birds; their welfare is my...


Great Backyard Bird Count 2019––Stories from the field

There were 1786 participants across the country in this year’s Great Backyard Bird Count and Campus Bird Count. From bird walks to campus talks to bird talks, a lot of planning and enthusiasm went into many of the events.  Several people, young and old were...


In A Crowded State, Farmers And Sarus Cranes Coexist

Uttar Pradesh is dominated by crowded urban centres and intense agriculture, typically not a good recipe for large wetland birds. Yet cranes in Uttar Pradesh are flourishing, not despite the people — but because of the people.


Bird Habitats of North East India

The diverse birdlife and habitats of North-India are tied together in intricate ways. This is a guest article by Pritam Baruah.