Mysore Nature
Patterns and Analysis, Projects

Three years of the Mysore Bird Atlas

The Mysore City Bird Atlas has completed three years of operation and summaries of the results for 2014-2016 are available to view and download! The Atlas is a systematic attempt to document the city's birds; both across the urban span and across two seasons:...

Patterns and Analysis, Projects

Two years of the Mysore Bird Atlas

The Mysore City Bird Atlas is a pioneering effort to systematically document the city's birds. Like other systematic bird atlases, the Mysore atlas involves dividing up the area into equal-sized grids, and surveying each grid cell with equal effort, thus ensuring...

Patterns and Analysis, Projects

Mysore city bird atlas — a pioneering effort!

When assessing the status and distribution of birds across a given region (eg, a city, district or even an entire country), one very useful approach is to construct a bird atlas. In such an atlas, relevant information (eg species occurrence and abundance, and...


Mysore Bird Atlas

Update, Sept 2019: a paper on some broad findings of the Atlas has been published in Indian Birds journal. Download pdf here. The maps and other results shown in the paper may differ slightly from what is depicted on this web page. In any such cases, please take...