
July 2021 eBirding Challenge

We all know that wetlands are significant habitats for many species. Wetlands provide food, water, shelter and often act as crucial breeding sites for a large number of birds. The continued existence of certain species such as Sarus Crane depends on the existence...


June 2021 eBirding Challenge

June brings hope and anticipation of rains—a relief from the sweltering heat. Calls of our resident and migratory cuckoos such as the Asian Koel, Common Hawk-cuckoo, Pied Cuckoo, can be heard in early mornings and late evenings. However, they become extremely vocal...


May 2021 eBirding Challenge

May may not be a great month for birding in India but it is the peak breeding season for most birds across the country. This month's challenge involves watching our resident birds closely and see if any of them show signs of breeding. You might see some birds...


April 2021 eBirding Challenge

With the onset of summer, our resident birds seem to be well underway with their breeding activities– the dawn chorus waxes, and the air is filled with bird sounds. A lot of birders are looking to document interesting breeding behaviours. This month, the challenge...


March 2021 eBirding Challenge

February produced some excitement among birdwatchers especially with Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) and Campus Bird Count (CBC). Here is a preliminary report on GBBC and a full report will be published by April. The last date to upload all your GBBC checklists is...


2020 India eBird Yearlong Challenge Winners!

Here are the results of the 2020 India eBird Yearlong Challenge. Compared with 2019, the challenges for 2020 were a tiny bit harder. But birders in India love a good challenge, and a number of them managed to meet the various targets! Of all those who qualified by...


February 2021 eBirding Challenge

While we are all busy finishing up uploading our waterbird counts for the January challenge, the exciting month of February is upon us! As you know, every February brings the Great Backyard Bird Count, a worldwide birding event in which tens of thousands of people...


January 2021 eBirding Challenge

Just like every year, January is dedicated to the Asian Waterbird Census (AWC). Birders all across India (and all of Asia!) will be visiting all kinds of wetlands to document birds as well as the state of wetlands that harbor them. Initiatives such as these...


December 2020 eBirding Challenge

The challenge for November was to upload 1 checklist every day in November and 2 lists a day during the Sálim Ali Bird Count. December marks the peak winter migrant activity for most of the country and as the birding increases so does the number of lists being...


November 2020 eBirding Challenge

The enthusiasm of Wild Bird Day/ October Big Day continues this month, as we take part in two uniquely Indian birding events in November- Salim Ali Bird Count and Maharashtra Pakshi Saptah  This month’s eBird challenge is designed to highlight these two events. The...


October 2020 eBirding Challenge

September produced some excitement among birdwatchers as the season's first migrant Grey Wagtails and Blue-tailed Bee-eaters were seen from balconies and rooftops. Bird enthusiasts in Tamil Nadu celebrated the arrival of the Common Sandpiper, Greenish Warbler, and...


September 2020 eBirding Challenge

September is a powerful month in terms of bird activity. Be it a non-descript brown-grey warbler or a flock of grey-yellow buntings, migrants are flying into various parts of the country. Whether you are birding from your backyard or rooftop, do keep an eye out for...