August 31, 2021

September 2021 eBirding Challenge

ebirding-challenge-logo-800px-281x300We look forward to September like children to birthday parties! This is that time of the year when winter migrants are trickling in and to spot any species that is first for the season to that region is very exciting.

Rosy Starlings have started arriving in large numbers and soon will spread across the peninsular. (Check out this interesting animated migration map for Rosy Starling). While Northern Shoveler, Green-winged Teal are being reported from the north, birdwatchers in the south are reporting Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit, and other waders.

To increase the chances of spotting migrants, this month’s challenge entails spending more time looking out for them.

The Twenty20 lists challenge for September entails uploading at least 20 lists during the 1st half of the month (1-15 Sept)and another 20  lists in the other half (16-30 Sept). Each list should be complete, of at least 15 mins duration, and with no ‘X’s. 

No matter if you are birding from your backyard or your rooftop, keep an eye out for migrants since many of them would be seeking sites to rest for the night.

Explore eBird Bar Charts to see what migrants are anticipated in your area! You can also subscribe to eBird Alerts to get regular updates on the recent reports of rare birds in your region.

Please upload all your lists by 10 October 2021 so that we can announce the results soon after that.

Important: While birding, please ensure that you adhere to COVID-19 related instructions by central and local authorities.

Here are the general rules of our monthly challenges. And check out the yearlong challenges for 2021 as well! You can keep track of fresh lists coming in from India on this page.

Header Image: Green-winged Teal (Common Teal) Anas crecca by Parthasarathy Gopalan/ Macaulay Library

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Dr.Praveen Chavan
Dr.Praveen Chavan
3 years ago

Waiting for Migratory Birds like “Barheaded Goose” and “Greater Flamingos “ Arrival in Vaduj..Satara Maharashtra. India.@bird count india.

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eBird India Yearlong Challenge

eBird India Yearlong Challenge

Since April 2014, Bird Count India has hosted monthly eBirding challenges to add fun and friendly competition to birding while contributing valuable data. Explore the yearlong challenges here—are you in?