November 6, 2017

October 2017 eBirders of the month


October is when the winter migration season heats up and more and more birders are out and about. Here is the break-up of eBirding in India in Oct 2017 (with previous month in brackets).

Number of birders: 1,162 (957)
Number of lists (all types): 11,000 (12,100)
Number of observations: 2.02 lakh (1.78 lakh)

October challenge

The challenge for October was to accumulate at least 15 hours of birding through the month (see the link above for details). Of the 1,162 eBirders in October, an amazing 191 met or exceeded this target! They are (as always, excluding group accounts):

Aamir Nasirabadi
Abhijeet Rasal
Abhijith surendran
Abhiram Sankar
Abhishek Maiya
abhishek ravindra
Adhithyan NK
Adithya Bhat
Aisha Sultana
Ajay Gadikar
Ajay Sharma
Ajinkya Supekar
Akash Gulalia
Albin Jacob
Andrew Mackenzie
Andrew Sternick
Anil Mahajan
Anirudh Kamakeri
Anish Aravind
Aravind Amirtharaj
Arjun Kumar
Arnold Goveas
Arulvelan Thillainayagam
Arun Prabhu
Arun Varghese
Ashish Jangid
ashwin mohan
Atanu Modak
Avinash Bhagat
Ayan Khanra
Babu Gururaj
Balwant Negi
Bimal Modi
Biswanath Mondal
Chandra Bhushan
Cheran J
chetan harikishandas joshi
Chirag Munje
Deepa Mohan
Deepti Krishnan
Devendra Kumar Maravi
Dhaval Vargiya
Dilip Virkhade
Divya Mudappa
Dr George P J
Elavarasan M
Fareed Mohmed
fermin jose
Gaja mohanraj
Ganesh Datar
Gaurav P J
Gokul Vadivel
Gopi Krishna
Gowthama Poludasu
Hakimuddin F Saify
Harshith JV
Harshjeet Bal
Hemanth Byatroy
Hemant Kirola
Hit Narayan Tandan
Ikshan Ganpathi
Indranil Bhattacharjee
Jamaludheen Karivelil
Jayadev Menon
Jaya Rakesh Kannan
jithesh pai
Karthick VS
Karthikeyan G B
Karthikeyan Ponnambalamoorthy
Kishore P
Komal Agrawal
Krishna Murti
Kumar Singh
Lakshman Hampiholi
Lakshmikant Neve
Latha Prabhakaran
Leons Mathew Abraham
Mamta Parmar
Mangesh Prabhulkar
Manjeet Kaur Bal
Manjula Ravi
Manju Sinha
Manoj Kumar Vittapu
Marcelo Araya Salas
Mayur Gawas
MetalClicks Ajay Ashok
Mike Prince
Milan Sojitra
Mohanan Choron
Mohandas Giriyappa
Mohit Aggarwal
Mohith Shenoy
Mohit Joshi
Mohit Mehta
Mou Jana
MS Raghunath
mujeeb pm
Murugesh Natesan
namassivayan lakshmanan
Nandhakumar Radhakrishnan
Neha Waikar
Nilesh Shevgaonkar
Omkar Dharwadkar
Panchapakesan Jeganathan
Pankaj Gupta
Parmil Kumar
Parvaiz Shagoo
Phani krishna Ravi
Prasanna Gautam
Prashantha Krishna M C
Prashant Kumar
Pratik Khandare
Praver Mourya
Premchand Reghuvaran
Prem Prakash Garg
Pushpa Puliyeri
Raaj Bora
Raghavendra Mukundarao
Raghu Nathan
Rahul Singh
Rajaneesh Ghadi
Rajesh Mangal
Rajesh Panwar
Rajesh Radhakrishnan
Rajinikanth Kasthuri
Raju Kasambe
Ramit Singal
raphy kallettumkara
Ravikumar K
Ravi naidu
Ravindra Kaushik
Ravi Sharma
renju tr
Renuka Vijayaraghavan
Ritesh Dighe
Roozbeh Gazdar
Sahana M
Sajeev Krishnan
Sandhya Lenka
Sandip Telang
Sangita Mani
Sanjay Malik
Sanjiv Khanna
Santosh Kumar Thakur
sasidharan manekkara
Saswat Mishra
Saurav Dutta
Selvaganesh K
Shantilal Varu
Sharan Shashidhar
Shaurya Rahul Narlanka
Shekar Vishvanath
Shib Shankar Goswami
Shiv Kumar Snow leopard
Shubham giri
Shubha Nava
Shwetha Bharathi
Sivakumar Ramasamy
Sneha Gupta
Sourajit Ghosal
Sreekumar Chirukandoth
sreekumar k govindankutty
Steffin Babu
Subhadra Devi
Subin Sudheendran
Subramania Siva
Sujata Talegaonkar
Sumit Dookia
Sunil Kumar
Sunny Inaganti
Surendhar Boobalan
Syed Abdul Kadhar
Tejasvi S Acharya
Thanigai Velu
T R Shankar Raman
Vaidehi Gunjal
Venugopalan R
Vidhya Sundar
Vignesh Bhat
Vijaya Lakshmi
Vijaykumar Krishnamurthy
Vijay singh Yadav
Vinay Bhat
vinodh Kambalathara
Vinod Shankar
Virender Sharma
Vivek Pandey
Vivek Puliyeri
Vrinda Lath
Yash Shukla
Yogesh Parashar

Many congratulations to all of them!

One of these 191 birders was selected, using a computer-generated random number. That person is

Parmil Kumar

who receives a copy of How to be a (bad) birdwatcher by Simon Barnes as a small gift in appreciation.

Gap-filling challenge

The gap-filling challenge for October was to upload a minimum of four eligible checklists from any one or more of the 321 Districts that were represented by less than 30 minutes of eBirding in all previous Septembers. A total of 249 effort-based birdlists of 15 min or longer were uploaded from 57 of the target Districts, by 66 birders. Of these, 16 birders met the target for the gap-filling challenge, and these are listed below, together with names of the districts they uploaded 4 or more lists from):

Anurag Chhajlani (MP Ujjain)
Arpit Puranik (MP Ujjain)
Govind Girija (TN Theni)
Harshjeet Bal (CT Raigarh)
Hemant Ware (MH Bid)
Mamta Parmar (OR Mayurbhanj)
Manjeet Kaur Bal (CT Raigarh)
Praver Mourya (MP Ratlam, MP Shajapur, MP Ujjain)
Rahul kumar (BR Nalanda)
Sahana M (KA Bidar)
Sandhya Lenka (OR Jagatsinghapur)
Sanjiv Khanna (PB Jalandhar, PB Kapurthala)
Shekar Vishvanath (BR Patna, BR Ranchi)
Shib Shankar Goswami (JH Hazaribagh)
Shwetha Bharathi (KA Bidar)
S S Cheema (AR Papum Pare)

Many thanks to all of them for helping fill eBird gaps in India!

One person from these 16 was chosen using a computer-generated random number to receive a small gift. That person is

Harshjeet Bal

who receives a copy of The Thing with Feathers, by Noah Strycker.

Eurasian Wryneck, by Harshjeet Bal/Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab. From this checklist.

Are you doing your best to match the target for November (a riff on the 11th month)? And do keep an eye on the yearlong challenges for 2017!

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