March 19, 2018

Great Backyard Bird Count 2018––Final Results

GBBC 2018 | Bird Walks & Talks (Registration form) | Resources | Contacts | Campus Bird Count 2018

14,000 lists
1,491 participants
839 species
8,400 person-hours


The sixth GBBC in India saw over 14,000 lists from almost 1,500 birders racking up over 8,000 person-hours birding and recording  825 species during the 4-day event. Birders covered 271 districts in all kinds of ecosystems (forests, wetlands, grasslands, etc), from national parks and sanctuaries, to agricultural regions, and urban habitats as well.


The numbers are described in more detail below; but the human stories behind the numbers are even more important! So please do also read various accounts from some of the participants across the country. A huge thank you to the state coordinators and those who organised counts on campuses and elsewhere around the country.

GBBC/CBC at the Indian Petroleum Institute, Dehradun. Photo: Raman Kumar.

The global Great Backyard Bird Count takes place over four days (Friday to Monday) around the middle of every February. The idea is to twofold. First, to create a snapshot of what birds are where at this time, by encouraging people to go birding, record what they see, and share their observations on the eBird website. Second, to use the global event to get more people excited about birds: to watch and conserve them.

As has been the trend over the previous five events, 2018 saw in increase in GBBC birding in India from the previous year.

GBBC India participation over the years (2013-2018)

GBBC Global

Top countries by effort (birdlists)

As in 2017, this year India was third globally in terms of the number of checklists submitted, behind just the United States and Canada.

See the full country breakdown by checklists on the eBird GBBC website.

In terms of species, India’s total of nearly 840 represents 64% of the total species known to occur in the country, and an increase over last year. However, we have dropped in the species rankings from #2 to #4 because of the strong showing by Ecuador and Brazil, both super-rich countries in terms of bird species!


Top countries by species reported.

The only way to try and rise in the species rankings would be to have a specifically planned effort across the country to find and report range-restricted species. But really the GBBC is more about the participation than the species numbers!

See the full country breakdown by species on the eBird GBBC website.

NB: Number of lists and species shown by the GBBC website differs from those used for analysis, as the GBBC total includes only lists uploaded by a cut-off date of 3rd March, while GBBC India analysis has considered all lists uploaded by 15th March.

GBBC India Results

GBBC 2018 coverage map

GBBC birdlists came from 29 states and union territories: almost the entire country!

Each list in the map to the right is shown as a translucent circle, hence darker areas represent multiple lists from the same or adjacent locations.

Although GBBC reports are of limited use to actually determine population and range trends, it is always interesting to look at the “commonest” species. Overall House Crow was the most frequently reported species, appearing on 46.8% of ‘complete’ lists, very similar to last year’s figure of 48%.




Top 5 species (in terms of frequency of reporting) for the different regions

When the country is categorised into four broad regions, different sets of species may show up as commonest in different regions. As with the last two years, Common Myna is the only species to occur in the top five for all four regions, with Rock Pigeon, Red-vented Bulbul and House Crow all making the top five in three of the four regions, precisely as last year.


Common Myna was reported from almost every corner of the country during GBBC 2018.

The top three birded states in terms of number of lists were the same as last year, with Tamil Nadu replacing Kerala at the top spot. Uttarakhand replaced Maharashtra at #4, and Madhya Pradesh came in at #5, a large jump from last year, when it was placed at #15. Nine States reported over 300 species during the four-day event. The number of lists and species per state are shown in the graph below.

Number of birdlists and species reported, by State.

Nationally 1,491 registered eBirders took part and recorded at least one list. In reality many times this number birdwatched during GBBC, especially through the various organised bird walks and the Campus Bird Count.

The table below shows the top participants (including some group accounts) per state/union territory, based on number of complete lists recorded.

Region State No. Participants Ave. Per Person Effort (hrs) Participant Names (Top 5 Listed)
North & Northwest












Bihar 5 9 Bihar Paryawaran Sanrakshan Abhiyan (BIPSA), Prashant Kumar, Vivek Rawat, Tanveer Ahmed, Sabiha Rafyat
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0 0
Daman and Diu 0 0
Gujarat 36 7.0 Jayadev Menon, krunal trivedi, Foundation for Ecological Security Anand, Yagnesh Desai, Kedar Champhekar
Haryana 31 5.8 Chetna Sharma, Vikas Saini, MAITREYA SUKUMAR, Vikram Goyal, Amit Sharma
Himachal Pradesh 36 7.7 vrinda lath, Santosh Kumar Thakur ( Wildlifer) , Ankit Vikrant, S. Kiran Thakur, Bhagat Ram
Jammu and Kashmir 17 6.1 Parvaiz Shagoo, Syed Mustahsen, Kashmir Birdwatch, Suresh Rana, Garima Bhatia
Punjab 45 4.6 Nagaraj Guru Prasad, Vishal Varma, Ardra Nandakumar, jain pk, NANDAGOPAL S A
Rajasthan 15 8.4 Foundation for Ecological Security Anand, Jayadev Menon, Mittal Gala, Shasank Ongole, Kushagra Rajendra
Uttarakhand 80 5.9 Ritobroto Chanda, Tarun Menon, Dinesh Pundir, Raman Kumar, Rohit Jha
Uttar Pradesh 34 4.3 Kshitija Gupta, Poonam Nayaka, Shruti Samanta, Able Lawrence, Sonam Jha
Chandigarh 5 2.2 Ankit Vikrant, rima dhillon, Shobana Ram, Vaibhav Sheth
Delhi 67 3.7 Meghna Joshi, Sita Susarla, Rajesh Prasad, CHANDRA BHUSHAN, Vidya Raju
East & Northeast









Arunachal Pradesh 13 7.9 Aparajita Datta, Balaji P B, Biswajit Chakdar, Nitu S, Rohit Naniwadekar
Assam 66 4.1 Jaydev Mandal, Somoyita sur, Hiyashri Sarma, Amlan Goswami, Miraj Hussain
Manipur 0 0
Meghalaya 0 0
Mizoram 0 0
Nagaland 1 12.5  Lansothung Lotha
Sikkim 0 0
Tripura 1 1.0 Pankaj Sharma
West Bengal 63 4.4 Debayan Gayen, Sagar Adhurya, Dhrubojyoti Sen, Arabinda Pal, Biswapriya Rahut





Chhattisgarh 18 4.9 Ravi naidu, Jageshwer verma, Manjeet Kaur Bal, Mohit Sahu, MetalClicks Ajay Ashok
Jharkhand 2 1 Abhishek Indu
Madhya Pradesh 52 10.4 David Raju, Anup Prakash, CFN Society, animesh manna, Praver Mourya
Maharashtra 176 3.6 Avinash Sharma, SANJEEV NALAVADE, Lakshmikant Neve, Namrata Britto, Reuben Malekar
Odisha 16 7.7 Sandhya Lenka, Varun Kher, Swetashree Purohit, Brihadeesh Santharam, Foundation for Ecological Security Anand







Andhra Pradesh 30 4.7 IISER Tirupati, VV Robin, Suyash Sawant, Nandini Rajamani , Senan D’Souza
Goa 35 3.7 dipak bowalkar, Mandar Bhagat, Omkar Dharwadkar, Aidan Fonseca, Marvelyn Dias
Karnataka 234 5.4 Vineeth Kumar, Jagdish Paithankar, Shwetha V R, Tanhaji Ghodke, Bhagya UJ
Kerala 221 4.7 Afthab Faisal k, Amal U S, Abhirami C, SYAMILI MANOJ, HANNA THOMAS
Tamil Nadu 190 7.1 Salem Ornithological Foundation (Group Account), Krishnampudur School Students (Group Account), Ganeshwar SV, Divya Subramani, Cinchona Govt High School(Group account)
Telangana 46 7.5 abhishek ravindra, Raghu Nathan, Phani krishna Ravi, Shekar Vishvanath, Fareed Mohmed
Puducherry 11 1.9 French Birds (Group Account), Surendhar Boobalan, Panchapakesan Jeganathan, Vigneshwaran B, Romit Singha Roy


Andaman and Nicobar Islands 6 4.1 Andaman Avians Club, Dayani Chakravarthy, Akshay Surendra, Anushka Rege, Ram Vikas
Lakshadweep 0 0
Total 1,552 5.6

Top Participants per State

Some people get especially addicted to birding during GBBC, spending most of the daylight hours out looking for birds! The top dedicated GBBCers (based on number of complete lists and total birding hours) are shown below: thanks very much to them for their efforts.

Name State Lists
Ganeshwar S V Tamil Nadu 249
Divya Subramani Tamil Nadu 226
Tamil Selvan A Tamil Nadu 207
Afthab Faisal k Kerala 192
Amal U S Kerala 167
Abhirami C Kerala 128
David Raju Madhya Pradesh 127
Syamili Manoj Kerala 108
Vineeth Kumar Karnataka 96
Jagdish Paithankar Karnataka 95

Top Individuals by No. Complete Lists of
15 min duration or longer

Name State Hours
Ganeshwar S V Tamil Nadu 62.4
Divya Subramani Tamil Nadu 56.6
Tamil Selvan A Tamil Nadu 51.9
Afthab Faisal k Kerala 49.5
sushila Rathod Gujarat 46.5
Santosh Kumar Thakur Himachal Pradesh 43.9
Amal U S Kerala 41.8
Virendra Vishwakarma Madhya Pradesh 41.2
David Raju Madhya Pradesh 37.7
Abhirami C Kerala 32

Top Individuals by No. Hours

This dedication is recognised globally, as the top twenty participants in the world in terms of checklists submitted is filled with Indian individual or group accounts!

GBBC bird walks and talks

2018 saw a large number of associated events during the dates of the GBBC. With over 60 bird walks and talks taking place all across the country, this was truly four days of all-round celebration of birds. From birdwalks for students in schools, colleges and universities, to public birding sessions at lakes and other habitats, and workshops & talks for beginners, a large number of members of the larger public were introduced to birding. The full list of registered events is here.

Further Information

GBBC 2018 was coordinated by Bird Count India and its various partners. For more information, see the following links.

GBBC and Campus Bird Count 2018


Bird Monitoring in India

Contact Bird Count India at [email protected]

What Next?

A lot of the value in collating bird observations comes from regular monitoring of the same location over a period of time. This is the focus of “patch birding” as well as more structured surveys, the latter being ideal for a campus. Please keep watching and recording birds, and consider how you could make your observations count more for science and conservation. Do contact us for more ideas.

GBBC will be back on 15-18 February 2018!

View the next page for the full list of 2018 participants.

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