January 18, 2020

December 2019 eBirders of the month


The last month of the year is usually a heavily birded one, and this year is no different. Here is the breakup of eBirding in the country in December 2019 (with previous month in brackets):

Number of birders: 2,220 (2,068)
Number of lists (all types): 20,300 (19,300)
Number of observations: 3.89 lakh (3.54 lakh)

December challenge

The challenge for December was to upload at least 30 eligible lists, of which 5 are from new districts, and 5 have media uploaded (details in the link above). This was a tough challenge, and only 31 birders were able to meet the target. These are (excluding group accounts):

Abhin M Sunil, Ajay Agarwal, ADIL NAFAR, AM AMSA, Angeline Mano, Anooja Anil, Claudia Pinheiro, Dhruba Saikia, Ganeshwar SV, kalpana jayaraman, Lakshmikant Neve, Mehala Kumar, Mukundan Kizhakkemadham, Myles McNally, Pankaj Chibber, Paul Koker, Rahul Singh, Sajeev Krishnan, Santharam V, Shilpa Gadgil, Shivaprakash Adavanne, Shwetha Bharathi, Sreekumar Chirukandoth, Sriram Reddy, Stu Elsom, Subhadra Devi, Surendhar Boobalan, VASEN SULI, Vidhya Swaminathan, Vijaya Lakshmi, Vinay K L

Many congratulations to all of them!

From these 31 names, one was drawn using a computer-generated random number. This person is

Sajeev Krishnan

who receives a copy of Bird Sense: What it’s Like to be a Bird, by Tim Birkhead, as a small gift in appreciation.

Are you doing your best to match the target for January (birding towards the Asian Waterbird Census)? And there are a fresh set ofĀ  yearlong challenges for 2020!

Banner image: Cotton Pygmy-Goose by Sajeev Krishnan/Macaulay Library from this checklist.

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eBird India Yearlong Challenge

eBird India Yearlong Challenge

Since April 2014, Bird Count India has hosted monthly eBirding challenges to add fun and friendly competition to birding while contributing valuable data. Explore the yearlong challenges hereā€”are you in?