eBirders of the Month

Sept 2016 eBirders of the month

Our apologies for being a day late with announcing the September eBirders of the month -- we've been caught up in the excitement of launching the Patch Birding Challenge and the eBird-India Data Challenge -- do take a look if you haven't already! While you are...


Aug 2016 eBirders of the month

As the winter approaches, passage and winter migrants are coming our way (see What's on in September). In concert with this, birding activity across the country is ramping up, and this is apparent from the break-up of eBirding in India in August (with previous...


July 2016 eBirders of the Month

Although we are still in the 'off season' (measured by birding activity), July usually has a little more eBirding than June, and this year was no different. Here is a break-up of eBirding in India in July (with previous month in brackets). Number of birders: 717...


June 2016 eBirders of the Month

June is normally another month where birding activity is relatively low. Still, several hundred people birded (and eBirded) through the month. Here is a break-up of eBirding in India in June (with previous month in brackets). Number of birders: 621 (678) Number of...


May 2016 eBirders of the Month

May saw more birding activity than is usual in this hot time of the year. The Endemic Bird Day and associated events contributed to this, but birders have also been active during other parts of the month. Here is a break-up of eBirding in India in May (with...


April 2016 eBirders of the month

April is a hot month in most parts of India, and this April has been considerably hotter than previous years. A good month to stay put and look for birds in your own patch! The challenge for April was to do some consistent birding -- from the same place, following...


March 2016 eBirders of the month

March is a month of considerable change in bird populations across much of India, as migrants begin returning to their summer homes in the north, and resident birds become more and more vocal to mark the breeding season. To encourage the documentation of changes in...


Feb 2016 eBirders of the month

February is an exciting month. For four days in the middle of February, people from across the world go looking for birds as part of the Great Backyard Bird Count; and Indian birdwatchers are as enthusiastic as those in any other country. To mark the GBBC, the...


March 2016 eBirding Challenge

We hope you've had an enjoyable month of birding in February overall, and a fun GBBC in particular! Please remember to finish uploading all your February lists by 5th March. Now that winter is gradually fading away, we enter a time of transition for the bird...


Jan 2016 eBirders of the month

The first monthly challenge of 2016 was inspired by the Asian Waterbird Census, which takes place every January. The challenge was to conduct AWC counts from at least 5 wetlands during January and submit these counts through the new AWC-eBird data upload scheme...


December 2015 eBirders of the month

In the closing month of the year, the challenge was to do a last sprint and upload as many birdlists as you could; and to document the sightings, where possible, with photos, sound recordings and video. What transpired? Here is a break-up of eBirding in India in...


November 2015 eBirders of the Month

While many of us venture widely afield to do our birding in 'the season', we often also have our regular haunts. The challenge for November was to [a] look for birds consistently from the same location and [b] count birds seen, instead of entering Xs (only...