
January 2017 eBirding Challenges

As we enter the newest month of 2017, its time for a new eBirding challenge to take part in! The challenge for December was to upload at least 31 checklists from the month. For January, we focus on both birding effort as well as media uploads. One of the most...

Challenges, News & Updates

Last Birder Standing

Inspired by the global eBird 2017 checklist-a-day challenge, we thought it would be fun to run a small, informal and purely friendly Last Birder Standing contest. Very simply, starting 1 Jan 2017, create at least one 'complete' birdlist every day, for as many days...


Last chance for the Data Challenge 2016

The eBird-India Data Challenge is an invitation to anyone interested to download the c. 4.5 million observations from India and make something new and interesting out of the collated information. The last date for submitting entries for the challenge has been...


December 2016 eBirding Challenges

The challenge for November was to cover 3 distinct locations and upload at least 4 different lists from each of them. As we enter into the last month of the year, we also enter into the middle of what is peak birding season for most of the country. As the amount of...

Bird Count India

November 2016 Gap-filling Challenge

We are delighted to announce a new kind of birding challenge this month -- to fill birding gaps. The understanding of Indian avifauna is limited by the lack of knowledge of distribution and seasonality of Indian birds. This is also reflected on eBird, where large...


November 2016 eBirding Challenge

November is upon us and with a new month, comes a new eBirding challenge. The challenge for October was to spend an aggregate of at least 15 hours birding through the month. As winter spreads its wings across the country, so do many migrants. The birding season is...


October 2016 eBirding Challenge

With September and its monthly challenge coming to an end, it is time to announce the challenge for October. Migrants are streaming through various parts of the country and October marks the start of the wintering season in most places. This means more birders are...


eBird Data Challenge

The eBird database for India is now very large, and is growing rapidly. But what can be done with this information? Are you interested in helping generate new ideas, patterns and results from the observations the database contains? If so, read on, or click on a...

Challenges, Projects

Patch Birding Challenge

Following on from the series of articles from Bird Count India about Patch Birding, we are pleased to announce details of the exciting Bird Count India Patch Birding Challenge. Simply register to take part below and write a patch report, based on the ideas...

Birding a Local Patch

September 2016 eBirding Challenge

While we wait to find out who meets the August Monthly Challenge target, it's time to announce the challenge for September. September is an exciting period and as the migrants continue to fly in, a lot of changes take place with our birdlife during this time. To...


August 2016 eBirding Challenge

July’s monthly challenge was all about sharing the joy of birding with fellow birders and friends. But now, resident birds should be about to finish nesting, the so-called 'lean' birding period is slowly coming to an end, and signs of returning migrants are already...


July 2016 eBirding Challenge

The challenge in June was to upload 20 no-X, complete checklists of at least 15-minute duration of which at least three lists must document a brood-parasitic cuckoo (seen or heard). July may not be the most exciting month of the year for many birders - but birding...