August 24, 2015

Onam Bird Count this weekend

OCB-2015-KingfisherBird Count India is proud to be a partner in the upcoming Onam Bird Count, 28-31 August 2015.

The Onam Bird Count is part of the twice-yearly series of bird counts conducted across the state of Kerala. Kerala’s Common Bird Monitoring Programme takes place in Feb each year (since 2014) and, roughly 6 months later comes the Onam Bird Count in Aug/Sept (also since 2014).

These programmes provide an opportunity for birders across the Kerala to go out and document the birds of their region. The activity combines the fun of birdwatching with the serious goal of providing a regular snapshot of the birdlife of Kerala. To ensure that it’s fun, these Counts are quite flexible: you can go birding anywhere in the state, including around your home and neighbourhood, over a period of four days. But since there is also a more serious objective, birders are asked to divide up their counts into 15-minute intervals and maintain a separate list for each such interval. This allows lists from different parts of the state to be compared with each other.

All lists should please be uploaded to eBird India as soon as possible after the event ends. A summary of results will be made available soon after. You can see a summary of the 2014 Onam Bird Count here.


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