December 21, 2020

November 2020 eBirders of the Month

ebirding-challenge-logo-800px-281x300Before moving on to the results for the monthly challenges, here is a brief glimpse of birding in November by-the-numbers (with the previous month in brackets)

Number of birders: 2926 (2502)
Number of lists (all types): 26402 (25609)
Number of observations: 5.4 lakh (5.14 lakh)

November Challenge:

The challenge for  November was designed to highlight two events –Salim Ali Bird Count and Maharashtra Pakshi Saptah. The challenge was to submit 1 checklist every day in November. In addition to this, between 5- 12 November, submit at least 2 lists a day. A total of 48 birders met the target. (These are excluding group accounts and those with no identifiable name):

Ajay Agarwal, Ashok Agarwal, Ajay Sarvagnam,  Ananya Dobhal, Angeline Mano, Aswathi Asokan, Bijoy Venugopal, C K SMITHA, Claudia Pinheiro, Deepak Gujar, Dhanapal Kondasamy, Dhruba  Saikia, Dr. ADIL A, Elavarasan M, Garima Bhatia, Hakimuddin F Saify, Harish Dobhal, Hemant Ware, Hemraj Patil, Janardhan Uppada, Jayadev  Menon, Kalpana Jayaraman, Karma Sonam, Karunamoorthy S, Kavungal Ravi, Lakshmikant Neve, Manju Sinha, Moovendan Ramalingam, Naman Doshi, Nosherwan Sethna, Rahul Iyer, Ramesh Shenai, Regin Ross, Renju TR, Rishikesh  Lande, Sarabjeet Kaur, Shaurya Rahul Narlanka, Shilpa Gadgil, Shyamkumar Puravankara, Sreehari K Mohan, Sreekumar Chirukandoth, Subhadra Devi, Sushant Pawar, Tanmay Gokhale, Utsav Biswas, Vedant Sapra, Vidhya Swaminathan, Vijaya Lakshmi

Many congratulations to all of them!

From these 46  names, one was drawn using a computer-generated random number. This person is Tanmay Gokhale (eBird profile) who receives a copy of How to be a Bad Birdwatcher by Simon Barners, as a small gift in appreciation.

Are you birding towards December’s eBird challenge (upload at least 1 list every weekday (Mon to Fri) and at least 3 lists in total every weekend (Sat and Sun))? And of course, there are also the yearlong challenges for 2020!

Banner image: Painted Bush-Quail by Krishna Murthy/Macaulay Library from this checklist.

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