CBC 2018 in Mangalore, Karnataka
When my friend invited me to join her for Campus Bird Count in her college I was in an absolute dilemma about whether I should join her or not. Now I feel like I made one of the best decision of my life!
This was my first time birding. I thought I knew my surroundings pretty well and I did know a few species of birds, at least those whom I saw regularly. During this event we spotted so many species that it made me feel like I had been blind all my life!

CBC participants at Mangalore University
We were under guidance of Vineeth sir, who I admire for his passion and knowledge regarding birds and nature. The team members were equally amazing. I really admire their passion and enthusiasm.
We enjoyed ourselves and had fun counting different species of birds. I learnt about many species which were new to me such as the Booted Eagle, Red Spurfowl, Savanna Nightjar and the Sri Lankan Frogmouth.
In conclusion, all I can say is, this event opened up my senses to nature, increased my knowledge and recharged my soul.
This was probably the beginning of my journey in birding.
– Thasmai H S, Mangalore
this activity is attracting more and more young people , they learn the importance of protecting environment and life of other animal. I am retired forest officer, naturally wild life and environment protection is my passion. My son is an Army officer. They have large campuses with lots of trees which support birds and other animals. Where ever I go , I prepare list of birds and give it to the concerned officer to be kept in record and also request them to conduct census in ensuing.
Wonderful to hear this Sir! We need more and more people, from all professions and walks of life to be involved. Please let us know if Bird Count India can be of any assistance. Our email address is [email protected]
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