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Onam Bird Count 2015

28 Aug 2015 - 31 Aug 2015

As a part of ongoing effort of Common Bird Monitoring Program (CBMP) of Green Partner’s Program from Social Forestry Wing, an Onam Bird Count is being organized on 28th-31st August 2015.

Download a poster of the results of Onam Bird Count 2014! (PDF 2.2MB).

For those people who participated in February CBMP or previous Onam Bird Count, there is absolutely no difference in methodology or protocol. Please try to upload as many 15 minute lists into eBird (ebird.org/india) during those four days from Friday to Monday.

If you are a birdwatcher who has not tried eBird or have bird-watcher friends who are not using eBird, please use these slides as an introduction.

If you have any questions, please do ask them in the comments below.OnamBirdCount -2015-2



28 Aug 2015
31 Aug 2015
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9 years ago

On 28-8-2015 I have found Red vented bulbuls making nest inside a thick growth of bamboo bush inside the compound of my neighbour and just infront of my house at Nethaji housing colony, Taliparamba. One bulbul is found carrying materials for the nest and the other two following it.Sometimes one of the two bulbuls is found chasing the other and frequently making sweet whistling sounds after perching on a hibiscus branch or a cable wire. I have watched them for about 20 minutes from 8.15 a.m. Bulbuls are seen commonly at this place.