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News & Updates

Celebrating GBBC–Launch of a New Hindi Video!

eBird एप पर चेकलिस्ट कैसे बनाये सभी पक्षी प्रेमियों के लिए खुशखबरी! ग्रेट बैकयार्ड बर्ड काउंट (GBBC) के खास मौके पर, हमने एक छोटा सा वीडियो तैयार किया है। इस वीडियो में, आप देखेंगे कि eBird एप पर बर्ड चेकलिस्ट (पक्षियों की सूचि) कैसे बनाते है । इस वीडियो को अपने...

Thumbnail used for YouTube Video
News & Updates

Wild Bird Day 2023–Summary

Wild Bird Day (WBD) is an annual citizen science initiative aimed at documenting the diversity and abundance of wild bird species in India. This event also coincides with the global October Big Day! Hence checklists uploaded on WBD also counts for October Big Day....

Spotted Owlet by H Nambiar
News & Updates

eBird India Taxonomy 2023–Summary

The 2023 eBird/Clements world checklist will be updated shorty and the entire list will reflect in your eBird account soon. Among these updates are species splits and lumps; name changes; and the insertion of new spuhs, slashes, and so on.

Blue-winged Leafbird by Parthasarathi Chakrabarti
News & Updates

Launching Bird Count India Regional Coordinator Program

The Regional Coordinator (RC) will serve as the main link between the regional birding community and BCI collective. They act as first-level contacts for the community and they help find answers on questions about birding, birding events (e.g. GBBC)

Lesser Flamingo Flock from Tamil Nadu
Featured, News & Updates

State of India’s Birds

SoIB 2023 report assessess the conservation status of 942 species. This report is largely based on 30 million observations contributed by over 30,000 birdwatchers across India.

Pied Kingfisher on SoIB 2023 report