eBirders of the Month

October 2014 eBirders of the month

All through October we were somewhat worried about the challenge that had been set: to upload at least 15 complete lists , totalling at least 15 hours of birding. Was this too much? Would anyone be able to reach the target? At first, it seemed as though our fears...


September 2014 eBirders of the month

The eBirding challenge for September was somewhat unusual. Instead of there being a fixed target of lists or hours of birding, the task for each of us was to upload as many complete lists as possible during the month. So, how did we do? September saw a large jump...


August 2014 eBirders of the month

The eBirding challenge for August 2014 was a repetition of that for April: upload at least 20 complete lists during the course of the month. In April, 17 birders met the target. In August, the number of birders meeting the same target was 23. In all, 182 birders...


July 2014 eBirders of the Month

July's  eBirding Challenge was straightfoward: accumulate at least ten hours worth of complete lists during the course of the month. In contrast to the previous month's challenge, which only three people managed to meet, July's target proved rather easy -- with 36...


June 2014 eBirders of the Month

[Note: this post has been updated to correct an error in counting lists and therefore assessing those who met the target. There are thus three birders who have reached the target, and not two as incorrectly listed earlier. Our apologies for this lapse.] The third...


May 2014 eBirders of the Month

We are delighted to announce the results of the second in our series of monthly eBirding Challenges for birders in India. The challenge for May was to upload at least 4 complete lists in each week of May (counting the 21st-31st as the last week of the month). In...


April 2014 eBirders of the Month

April has come and gone, and it's time to crunch the numbers and see who has been able to meet the eBirding Challenge for the month, which was to upload at least 20 complete lists from India during the month. During April, 194 eBird users uploaded 1,237 lists of...