eBirders of the Month

October 2015 eBirders of the Month

The challenge for October was straightforward -- to upload lists for at least 25 days of the month. The last time we did this was in March 2015, when 19 birders met the target for the month. How many managed it this time? Overall, during October, the number of...


Sept 2015 eBirders of the Month

The challenge for September was to be part of at least three lists (on three different days), each shared among at least 8 birders. This was not a particularly easy challenge, but also not so hard for those birding regularly in groups. Some birders had already been...


August 2015 eBirders of the Month

Compared with the challenge for July, the August challenge was fairly straightforward -- and a repetition of several earlier challenges: to upload at least 20 complete, effort-based lists during the month, each of a minimum duration of 15 minutes. So were expected...


July 2015 eBirders of the Month

The challenge for July was pretty tough -- document at least 20 hours of birding through the month with complete, effort-based lists of any duration. Many of us tried our best but didn't manage to clock up the targetted 20 hrs. So we thought that barely a handful...


June 2015 eBirders of the Month

Apologies for being a day late with the announcement, but the winners of the May eBirding challenge are now available! The challenge was to upload at least 20 complete lists from a single location through the month. The idea being that this encourages regular...


May 2015 eBirders of the Month

May is normally a low period for birding, but this year's Endemic Bird Day (coinciding with the Global Big Day) showed that heat and lack of migrant species don't deter Indian birders! But that was just a single day in May. The eBirding challenge for the month as a...


April 2015 eBirders of the month

The India eBirding challenge for April 2015 was an echo of April the previous year. The target was to upload at least 20 complete, effort-based birdlists during the month.  In April last year, 17 birders met or exceeded this target. Given the way eBird has been...


March 2015 eBirders of the month

February generated a lot of birding enthusiasm, in part due to the Great Backyard Bird Count, and a record number of lists were uploaded to eBird in that month. In March, rather than taking things easy, we thought to challenge ourselves to even more dedicated...


Feb 2015 eBirders of the month

If it's February, it must be the Great Backyard Bird Count. In recognition of this global birding event the eBirding challenge for the month was to upload at least 20 complete lists during the four days of the GBBC (ie, 13-16 Feb). Some eBirders scoffed at such an...


Jan 2015 eBirders of the Month

Our apologies for the delay in announcing the January eBirders of the Month. There were two reasons for this: (1) preparations for the GBBC put everything else on hold, and (2) the nature of the challenge was such that we had to sift through each list by hand! To...


December 2015 eBirders of the month

In contrast to earlier challenges, which have largely been about how much effort we put into birding, December's challenge was about birding in the company of others, and then 'sharing' our eBird lists with them. The target was to have at least 20 'shared' lists...


November 2014 eBirders of the Month

Although birders often roam far and wide, exploring different locations and habitats in pursuit of new experiences and species, November's challenge was about birding consistently in the same place. The target was to upload at least 20 complete lists from a single...