eBird Monthly Challenge

March 2024 eBirding Challenge

The challenge for March is to upload at least 31 eligible lists* out of which 2 should be from 2 different hotspots visited before

Green-billed Malkoha by Chonseng Sangma

January 2024 eBirders of the Month

Before moving on to the results for the monthly challenges, here is a brief glimpse of birding in January by the numbers (with the previous month in brackets). No. of birders: 7,186 (6,669) Number of observations: (14.2 lakh) Number of lists (all types): 75,646...

Ultramarine Flycatcher by Gowri Shankar S

December 2023 eBirders of the Month

The challenge for December was to upload a minimum of 30 lists with at least 5 lists with 1 or more media. A total of 128 birders met the target! 

Indian Nightjar by Jageshwer verma

November 2023 eBirding Challenge

In most parts of India, November is a pleasant month with sunny days and cooler nights. Birders spend a lot of time outdoors looking for migrants that have arrived and settled down. This month is dedicated to celebrating renowned ornithologists and regional...

White-collared Blackbird by Saurabh Sawant