eBird data
News & Updates, Patterns and Analysis

Data Analysis Consultation for eBird Data

A large quantity of eBird data available could be difficult to navigate. Bird Count India team has some experience in analyzing eBird data and is willing to unblock other analysts in their job to get desired results. Every Thursday, there will be three 20-minute slots. Available BCI staff will answer any questions you have during this 20 minutes.

Bluethroat photograph by Abhishek Das
News & Updates

Using eBird Data for Research

In India, eBird adoption started in 2013 and there are now (March 2022) 30 million observations, 1.6 million images, 80,000 audio, and 10,000 videos. This mammoth yet free database is being increasingly used by scientists and citizens for the purpose of bird...

News & Updates

Amur Falcons – From Russia to Africa

With over 3 million observations uploaded on eBird from India, it is now possible to look at interesting patterns that can be generated from such data. Amur Falcons are renowned for their long migration route. Each year, they spend the summer in their breeding...

News & Updates

Important Bird Areas and eBird data

Important Bird Areas (IBAs) are key sites for bird conservation, so it is important to carefully document the birds they contain, and subsequently monitor the sites to assess the efficacy of management and to detect early signals of trouble. In this post, we...