August 30, 2018

September 2018 eBirding Challenge

We hope you had fun exploring new hotspots in August and are ready for a new challenge this month! It’s that time of the year when the first of the winter migrant begin to trickle in. Waders and early waterfowl will be making their way across much of the country while Greenish Warblers might soon be adding their song to the repertoire of sounds you hear in your neighbourhood. September truly is a time of transition!

What winter migrants do you expect in your region at this time of the year? You can always use the eBird Bar Charts to find out! The best way to keep a track of arrivals in your region is to observe and bird more often!

The challenge in September is to upload a minimum of 20 checklists and spend an aggregate of at least 12 hours of birding over the course of this month.

To be eligible, each checklist must be of at least 15 minute duration, and should be effort-based (i.e. stationary or travelling).

Please upload your lists by 5 October 2018 so we can announce the results the next day. 

Do not forget to take a look at the yearlong challenges as well. And you can keep track of fresh lists coming in from India on this page.

Cover image: Garganey by Kavi Nanda/Macaulay Libaray at the Cornell Lab. The Garganey is amongst the first waterfowl to arrive in India. Across much of N India it is a passage migrant, while it winters in shallow and vegetated wetlands throughout most of S India.

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eBird India Yearlong Challenge

eBird India Yearlong Challenge

Since April 2014, Bird Count India has hosted monthly eBirding challenges to add fun and friendly competition to birding while contributing valuable data. Explore the yearlong challenges here—are you in?