Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)

The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), a pan-India wildlife research organisation, has been promoting the cause of nature conservation since 1883. BNHS has been  Bird Count India Collaborator since the start of the ‘Collaborators’ programme in November 2023.

BNHS Logo_2023

Bird Monitoring Activities

Bhagalpur Bird Atlas

The Bhagalpur Bird Ringing and Monitoring Station (BRMS), a collaborative effort between the Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of Bihar and the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), has initiated the Bhagalpur Bird Atlas (BBA).

This first-of-its-kind citizen science project in Bihar aims to create a comprehensive understanding of bird distribution and abundance within Bhagalpur through systematic surveys. For details see here.

Bird Counts & Events

BNHS conducts for two nation-wide bird counts through BCI network – Indian Skimmer Count and Salim Ali Bird Count.

Indian Skimmer Count is an initiative to fill the knowledge gap about the Indian Skimmer population. See here for details.
Contact: Dr. Parveen Shaikh. Email: [email protected]

BNHS Skimmer Count Poster

Sálim Ali Bird Count: An annual. country-wide, week-long bird count celebrating the birth anniversary of Dr. Sálim Ali (12 Nov). See here for details. Contact: Mr. Nandkishore Dudhe. Email: [email protected]

Salim Ali Bird Count Poster

Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP) and BNHS have been conducting long-term bird monitoring program since 2021. See here for details.

Other Bird Monitoring Activities

BNHS promotes all other nation-wide initiatives of Bird Count India and encourages its members to regularly contribute towards citizen science platforms like eBird. Across field stations, several BNHS staff contributes to the growing citizen science knowledge.

Page updated on 6 June 2024

Header Image: Malabar Pied-Hornbill Anthracoceros coronatus by Raghavendra Pai/ Macaulay Library

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Dr. Tapan Kumar Pan
Dr. Tapan Kumar Pan
9 months ago

Good news for the naturalist of Bhagalpur, which we have initiated long back with MNC, Bhagalpur