September 30, 2022

October 2022 eBirding Challenge

ebirding-challenge-logo-800px-281x300October is an exciting month- festivals are around the corner and the main migration is ramping up. Almost all regions of India are now reporting migrants. It’s a perfect time to seek out migratory birds whether you stay close to home or, like a migrant, plan to travel far away! No matter where you are, consider joining in on India’s annual autumn birding event on October 8th, Wild Bird Day!

The eBird-India challenge for October is to post at least 40 eligible* lists over 31 days of the month. However, at least 5 out of these lists should be uploaded on 8th October.  Each list should be of minimum 15 minutes or more complete lists that includes counts for all species (no X’s)

On Wild Bird Day/ October Big Day 2021, birders in India uploaded around 3,000 checklists and reported over 800 species. Join us on 8 October as we try to set a new record for this Wild Bird Day. By participating on 8 October, you are also participating in the October Big Day, the Global Bird Weekend and commemorating the World Migratory Bird Day!

Please upload all your lists by 10 November 2022 so that we can announce the results soon after that.

Here are the general rules of our monthly challenges. And check out the yearlong challenges for 2022 as well! You can keep track of fresh lists coming in from India on this page.

Header Image: Crimson-backed Sunbird (Small Sunbird) Leptocoma minima © Ganesh Gore/ Macaulay Library

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eBird India Yearlong Challenge

eBird India Yearlong Challenge

Since April 2014, Bird Count India has hosted monthly eBirding challenges to add fun and friendly competition to birding while contributing valuable data. Explore the yearlong challenges here—are you in?