In most parts of India, November is a pleasant month with sunny days and cooler nights. Birders spend a lot of time outdoors looking for migrants that have arrived and settled down. This month is dedicated to celebrating renowned ornithologists and regional festivals in India–Sálim Ali Bird Count– a nationwide birding event; Pakshi Saptah or Bird Week– a state birding event celebrated in Maharashtra, and Tokhü Emong Bird Count– Nagaland’s first bird documentation event. This month’s eBird challenge is designed to highlight all of the above events.
The challenge for November is upload at least 36 eligible* lists in the following way:
- 1- 4 Nov: Upload at least 1 list each day
- 5 Nov: Upload at least 4 lists
- 6 Nov: Upload at least 4 lists
- 7- 30 Nov: Upload at least 1 list each day
Please upload all your lists by 10 December 2022 so that we can announce the results soon after that.
* Eligible checklists are those that report all species seen/heard (and are therefore marked ‘complete’), report numbers for all species rather than Xs, and are of at least 15 minutes or longer in duration
Here are the general rules of our monthly challenges. And check out the yearlong challenges for 2022 as well! You can keep track of fresh lists coming in from India on this page.
Header Image: Rosy Starling Pastor roseus by Shrutidev Mishra/ Macaulay Library