June 19, 2023

May 2023 eBirders of the Month

ebirding-challenge-logo-800px-281x300Before moving on to the results for the monthly challenges, here is a brief glimpse of birding in May by-the-numbers (with the previous month in brackets).

No. of birders: 3,718 (4,149)

Number of observations: 5.6 lakh (6.8 lakh)

Number of lists (all types): 36,079 (39,729)

Number of species: 1,060 (1,084)

Number of lists with media: 3,427 (4,325)

The challenge for May was to aggregate 34 checklists in a certain wayA total of 59 birders met the target!

Adil Ali, Ahmad Faiz Mustafa, Ajay Sarvagnam, A M Amsa, Amrit Raha, Anamika Chandran, Angeline Mano M, Anish Bera, Anonymous Anonymous, Anuj Saikia, Anuranjan Singh Dhurwey, Ashika S, Ashok Agarwal, Bhamini Pande, Bharatendra Singh Parihar, Bhavishya C M, Dhanushya M, Dipankar Dev, Dr Mohammed Umer Sharieff, Elavarasan M, Francis D’Souza, Gaja Mohanraj, Janardhan Uppada, Jayadev Menon, Karthikeyan R, Keerthi Priya, Lakshmi Bharadwaj, Madhu Gupta, Manash Pratim, Manoj Kumar Mk1, Mehala Kumar, Moovendan Ramalingam, Padma Gyalpo, Parthasarathi Chakrabarti, Prabhudatta Bal, Rahul Chetre, Ramesh Shenai, Ramu Alluri, Rofikul Islam, Sakthi Chinnakannu, Sandhya Lenka, Sanjiv Khanna, Santhi K, Sarabjeet Kaur, Shashikiran Ganesh, Shilpa Gadgil, Shyamkumar Puravankara, Sidharth Srinivasan, Spoorthi Nagaraju, Sreekumar Chirukandoth, Sriram Reddy, Subhadra Devi, Sujith Raj Salian, Sushant Pawar, Vasi, Venus Joshi, Vidhya Swaminathan, Vijaya Lakshmi, Vivek Kumar Patel

Congratulations to all these birders!

The above list does not include group accounts and those with no identifiable names.

From these 59 names, one was drawn using a computer-generated random number. This person is Subhadra Devi who receives a copy of The Living Air: The Pleasures of Birds and Birdwatching by Aasheesh Pittie as a small gift in appreciation.

Are you doing your best to match the target for June?

Also, see here for the fresh set of yearlong challenges for 2023!

Header Image: Red-necked Falcon Falco chicquera by Sriram Reddy/ Macaulay Library

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Lakshmikant Rajaram Neve

My name is missing.

Lakshmikant Neve
1 year ago

Lakshmikant Rajaram Neve
 11 days ago

My name is missing

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eBird India Yearlong Challenge

eBird India Yearlong Challenge

Since April 2014, Bird Count India has hosted monthly eBirding challenges to add fun and friendly competition to birding while contributing valuable data. Explore the yearlong challenges here—are you in?