February 27, 2024

January 2024 eBirders of the Month

ebirding-challenge-logo-800px-281x300Before moving on to the results for the monthly challenges, here is a brief glimpse of birding in January by the numbers (with the previous month in brackets).

No. of birders: 7,186 (6,669)

Number of observations: (14.2 lakh)

Number of lists (all types): 75,646 (65,940)

Number of species: 1,100 (1,094)

Number of lists with media: 6,539 (6,537)

The challenge for January was to upload a minimum of 30 lists in such a way that at least 28 lists can be from any habitat, but at least 2 checklists must be from 2 different wetland habitats.  A total of 73 eBirders met this target. (Updated on 11-03-2024)

Adarsh Ajay, Adil Ali, Akhil S, Amith Nagaraj, Amrit Raha, Ananya Deshkar, Aneesh Sasidevan, Annie Feby, Arun Singh, Aryakumaran M, Bhavishya C M, Bijoy Venugopal, Chirag Munje, Deepa Mohan, Dipankar Dev, Divyaraj Shah, Garima Bhatia, H Nambiar, Hakimuddin F Saify, Hareesha A.S, Janardhan Uppada, Jason Estep, Jayadev Menon, Joshika Tanujakumar, Kedar Champhekar, Kuldip Topo, Lakshmikant Neve, Lathika Anoth, Madhu Chandran, Madhu Gupta, Mahesh Rathod, Manjeet Gawas, Manoj Pai, Mohan Asampalli, Munish Gowda, Murari Varma, Navaneeth Sini George, Navneeth Nambiar, Nihal Mahesh, Parmil Kumar, Prabhjeet S, Rahul Chetre, Rahul Wakare, Rakesh Mn, Ram Vikas, Rama M V, Ramesh Shenai, Regin Ross, Rofikul Islam, Sahana M, Sanjeev Menon, Sheena S, Shilpa Gadgil, Shino Jacob Koottanad, Shivaprakash Adavanne, Shree Raksha, Shyamkumar Puravankara, Sreekumar Chirukandoth, Sneha K S, Sourav Mandal, Sriram Reddy, Steffin Babu, Subhadra Devi, Subramaniasivam Sundaram, Suzie Snyder, Tanuja Dasharath Haunsbhavi, Vaazhaikumar Kumar, Venus Joshi, Vijaya Lakshmi, Vikram S, Vinod Shankar, Vivek Rathod.

Congratulations to all these birders!

The above list does not include group accounts and those with no identifiable names.

From these 73 names, one was drawn using a computer-generated random number. This person is Shree Raksha who receives  a copy of Women in the Wild: Stories of India’s Most Brilliant Women Wildlife Biologists by Anita Mani as a small gift in appreciation.

Updated on 3rd Oct 2024

Are you doing your best to match the target for February?

Also, see here for the fresh set of yearlong challenges for 2024!

Header Image: Ultramarine Flycatcher Ficedula superciliaris by Gowri Shankar S/ Macaulay Library

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eBird India Yearlong Challenge

eBird India Yearlong Challenge

Since April 2014, Bird Count India has hosted monthly eBirding challenges to add fun and friendly competition to birding while contributing valuable data. Explore the yearlong challenges here—are you in?