Introduction to Himalayan Bird Count
The Himalaya, the tallest mountain range in the world, has fascinated millions by its sheer might and beauty. The snow-capped mountains, the cold deserts, the lush green forests and grasslands, and the white waters of the rivers are home to several unique birds. Himalayan Bird Count is an initiative started by Bird Count India, Bird Conservation Nepal, and the Royal Society for Protection of Birds, Bhutan aimed at tracking bird populations across the Himalayan regions. This is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to conservation efforts and deepen your understanding of the diverse bird species found in this majestic mountain range.
Every year in May, the 2nd Saturday is dedicated to two popular birding events- the intercontinental Global Big Day and the Endemic Bird Day (EBD) in India. Many birders participate in such birding events by watching and counting birds and uploading their observations through eBird Mobile App.
To coincide with the above two events was planned a Himalayan region-specific event called the Himalayan Bird Count (HBC). The aim of such an event is to celebrate the incredible bird diversity and bring attention to the threatened habitats of the Himalaya. The first edition of HBC was celebrated on 14 May 2022 and on this day birders from the Himalayan regions of India, Nepal, and Bhutan came together to document the birds of the Himalaya.
Banner Image: Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria © Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok