WINGS—Birds of India (formerly India BirdRaces) is now a nature awareness program that revolves around India’s birds.
Having started in 2005 in Mumbai, this event has now spread to many cities and regions of the country. One of the main ideas is to search for birds from dawn to dusk and record as many species as possible while enjoying being outdoors and watching birds!
For more information and to look for an event in your city, click here (coming soon)
For all general enquiries on programs of WINGS—Birds of India, contact the coordination team lead by Sunjoy Monga. Email: [email protected]
For upcoming events, visit:
The sightings during the various events of WINGS are meant to be recorded in eBird, to create a long-term record of bird distribution and abundance in the country. Here are some guidelines for using eBird during the bird races.
One of the easiest way to track what your team saw during the bird race is by creating an eBird Trip Report. eBird Trip Reports compile your eBird checklists and give you an overview of where you went and what you found, along with your photos and audio recordings, all in one convenient location for sharing.
Happy Birding !
Header Image: Greater Painted-Snipe Rostratula benghalensis © Lars Petersson/ Macaulay Library