August 6, 2020

Bird Webinars

Since April 2020, the number of Indian bird-related webinars, quizzes and other online sessions has increased dramatically. The table below contains a list of all such events with links to where the recordings have been archived.

To add an online event that is missing from this table please fill in this google form with the appropriate details and we will add it into the table.

2021-06-13Delhibird FoundationPronoy BaidyaDelhibird Talks: Lainer's Legacy - The Birds of Goa (Pronoy Baidya)English
2021-06-06Delhibird FoundationCarol & Tim Inskipp Biridng in the wetlands of IndiaEnglish
2021-06-06BOTRDPankaj Lad Conservation Beyond Protect AreaEnglish
2021-05-30Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran VIntroduction to Predators - இரை கொல்லி பறவைகள் ஓர் அறிமுகம்Tamil
2021-05-23Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Vishnu sankarIntroduction to Aquatic Birds - நீர்வாழ் பறவைகள் ஓர் அறிமுகம்Tamil
2021-04-25Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran VIntroduction to Ratites - வான் துறந்த பறவைகள்Tamil
2021-04-25Coimbatore Nature SocietyBalaji P B Identification of LarksEnglish
2021-03-20Azim Premji UniversityAshwin Viswanathan Birds in our citiesEnglish
2021-03-20Oriental Bird ClubVivian Fu, Yong Ding Li, Sayam Chowdhury, Christoph Zockler, Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok, Nigel Clark Spoon-billed SandpiperEnglish
2021-03-07Delhibird FoundationPronoy BaidyaDelhibird Talks: Lainer's Legacy - The Birds of Goa (Pronoy Baidya)English
2021-03-07Delhibird FoundationRamki SreenivasanDelhibird Talks: Extreme Rarities - Birding in North-East India (Ramki Sreenivasan)English
2021-03-07DelhibirdFoundationIrfan JeelaniDelhibird Talks: Birding in the Kashmir Valley (Irfan Jeelani)English/ Hindi
2021-02-12Biodiversity CollaborativeFarah Ishtiaq, Taej Mundkur, Ravi Chellam, S. Nagarajan, Uma Ramakrishnan Avian Influenza in 2021: What we know and what needs to be doneEnglish
2021-01-26Asian Adventures & WTIVivek Menon White-winged DuckEnglish
2021-01-23Bird Count IndiaMittal Gala eBird se parichayHindi
2021-01-08Bird Count IndiaAshwin ViswanathanUploading checklists in eBirdEnglish
2021-01-01Kottayam Nature SocietyLester PereraBirds of Sri LankaEnglish
2020-12-20Bird Count IndiaMittal Gala, Ajay Gadikar and B.S. AnnigeriBeyond Birding (Hindi)Hindi
2020-12-20BNHSRaju KasambeBird migration in India and protocols for bird marking by BNHSEnglish
2020-12-07Bird Count IndiaMittal Gala and Ashwin ViswanathanBeyond Birding and how to use eBird Mobile AppEnglish
2020-12-06Delhibird and BNHSDelhibird and BNHSThe Salim Ali Nature Quiz 2020English
2020-11-29Birdwatchers' SocietyMittal Gala and Ashwin ViswanathanBeyond birding and eBirdEnglish
2020-11-26BGVS HassanRavi Kumar K Sಪಕ್ಷಿ ವೀಕ್ಷಣೆ ಏಕೆ??Kannada
2020-11-20Bahar Nature Foundation WardhaRaju KasambeBreeding behvaiour of Baya Weavers and polygyny in MarathiMarathi
2020-11-14Early BirdR Suresh KumarMigration Stories with Dr. R Suresh KumarEnglish
2020-11-03Maharashtra PakshimitraKiran MoreIdentification & Breeding Behaviour of LarksMarathi
2020-11-03College StudentsDr Sudhakar KurhadeFriendship with birdsEnglish
2020-11-01Swar Sahitya Sangam MumbaiRaju Kasambe and RJ Anand SinghMeet Dr. Raju KasambeHindi
2020-10-25Madras Naturalists' SocietyT Badri NarayananPlant-Bird InteractionsEnglish
2020-10-16Learn-Indian Freshwater Ecosystems (L-IFE) networkParveen Shaikh, Subramanian KA and Ankita SinhaBirds and Benthic BugsEnglish
2020-10-13Maharashtra PakshimitraLakshmikant NevePatch Birding & How To become a Patch BirderMarathi
2020-10-10CSC JunagadhDhaval VargiyaMigratory Birds of Gujarat on the occasion on World Migratory Bird Day 2020Gujarati
2020-10-04Deccan BirdersS. SubramanyaDr S Subramanya's On the trail of Dr Salim AliEnglish
2020-10-04BNHSRaju KasambeBird migration studies in IndiaMarathi
2020-09-30Birdwatchers' SocietyDaniel MizeBlack-necked crane - an occurrence status and conservation issues in Arunachal PradeshEnglish
2020-09-29Birdwatchers' SocietyHilloljyoti SinghaBirds of Barak ValleyEnglish
2020-09-28Birds of Thane & RaigadSudhir Gaikwad-InamdharTips on Bird Photography for BirdwatchersEnglish
2020-09-27Delhibird FoundationDhritiman MukherjeeDelhibird Talks: Chai & Biscuit with Dhritiman MukherjeeEnglish
2020-09-26School of Environment, JalgaonDr Vinod BhagwatWildlife rescue: Need and precautions.Marathi
2020-09-21Bird Count IndiaMittal GalaBeyond birding & photographyEnglish
2020-09-20Delhibird FoundationJainy MariaChai & Biscuit with Jainy MariaEnglish
2020-09-19Deccan BirdersRichard GrimettRENDEZVOUS WITH THE ONE AND ONLY Richard GrimmettEnglish
2020-09-13Birdwatchers' SocietyDaniel MizeBlack-necked crane - an occurrence status and conservation issues in Arunachal PradeshEnglish
2020-09-13Deccan BirdersMike PrinceBird migration in India what, why, how, when and whereEnglish
2020-09-05Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. BharathidasanIntroduction to Vultures - பாறு கழுகுகள் ஓர் அறிமுகம்Tamil
2020-09-05Nature Conservation Society of NashikPratiksha KothuleBrief about VulturesEnglish
2020-09-05Himalayan NatureRalph BuijSaving Critically Endangered Vultures in East Africa's Masai LandscapeEnglish
2020-09-03NPTELJainy KuriakoseAll About Bird PhotographyEnglish
2020-09-02Vidarbha Pakshimitra Sammelan, LonarPooja PawarBird Atlas Projects in IndiaMarathi
2020-08-31Birdwatchers' SocietyGhazala ShahabuddinWoodpeckers of the Western HimalayasEnglish
2020-08-31Birdwatchers' SocietyGhazala ShahabuddinWoodpeckers of the Western HimalayasEnglish
2020-08-30Delhibird FoundationGehan De Silva WijeyeratneEndemic Birds and Big Game Safaris in Sri LankaEnglish
2020-08-30Deccan BirdersBholu Abrar KhanKeoladeo national Park (Bharatpur) - A birder's paradiseEnglish
2020-08-28Kottayam Nature SocietyNiranjanaOur common birdsMalayalam
2020-08-24NPTELPrachi MehtaThe Why and How of Studying OwlsEnglish
2020-08-23Delhibird FoundationRajat BhargavaThe Enigmatic World of the Finn's WeaverEnglish
2020-08-16Delhibird FoundationSudhir VyasBirds Across Our Borders English
2020-08-16Birdwatchers' SocietyPurnima Devi BarmanConserving endangered Greater AdjutantEnglish
2020-08-09Natural History Society of PalakkadNiranjana CBackyard Birds (Palakkad) - Part IIMalayalam
2020-08-09Delhibird FoundationRaju KasambeThe Secret Lives of HornbillsEnglish
2020-08-09Deccan BirdersK SivakumarConservation status of Megapode birds in NicobarEnglish
2020-08-08Deccan BirdersBholu Abrar KhanKeoladeo National Park BharatpurEnglish
2020-08-03Delhibird FoundationJonathan MeyravChampions of the FlywayEnglish
2020-08-03Deccan BirdersGopi GVWaterbirds Breeding Colonies: When More is Truly MerrierEnglish
2020-08-02Designer's EdgeJayant Wadatkarप्राचीन काळातील पक्षी निरीक्षण (संदर्भ : लोणारचे दैत्यसुदन मंदिर)Marathi
2020-08-02Kottayam Nature SocietyHarikumar MannarBird migrationMalayalam
2020-08-02Delhibird FoundationShashank DalviFlycatchers of IndiaEnglish
2020-08-02Birdwatchers' SocietyT GaneshThe wandering nomads of our grasslandsEnglish
2020-08-02Birdwatchers' SocietySarala KhalingWebinar on White-bellied HeronEnglish
2020-08-02Himalayan NatureRaju AcharyaHunting and Trade of Owls in NepalEnglish
2020-07-29Deccan BirdersSuresh KumarFlight for Freedom-tracking the long-distance migration of Amur FalconsEnglish
2020-07-28Deccan BirdersY.V. Jhala & S DuttaIndian Bustard in Despair & HopeEnglish
2020-07-28BNHSRaju KasambeOrnithophily - Bird flowers and flower birdsEnglish
2020-07-28SPROUTSAparajita Dutta20 years of Hornbill Research and Conservation in North-East IndiaEnglish
2020-07-26Delhibird FoundationKatie BagliStories of a Feathered KindEnglish
2020-07-26Deccan BirdersTaej MundkurConservation of coastal waterbirds and mangroves and intertidal flatsEnglish
2020-07-26Early BirdParveen ShaikhIndian Skimmer Zentangle Art ActivityEnglish
2020-07-22The Gwillim Project OnlineSubramanya and UrfiBirds, Art, and Literature in 19th Century Madras - YouTubeEnglish
2020-07-19Early BirdRohan ChakravarthyThe Big DipperEnglish
2020-07-19Deccan BirdersSuresh KumarFlight for Freedom-tracking the long-distance migration of Amur FalconsEnglish
2020-07-14Himalayan NatureTaej MundkurConserving Migratory WaterbirdsEnglish
2020-07-12BLiSC IndiaSuhel QuaderWatching Birds Around UsEnglish
2020-07-12Madras Naturalist SocietyGnanaskandan KesavabharathiProject Raptor Watch 2.0English
2020-07-12Bangalore International CentreGarima BhatiaBalcony Birding : Bird watching 101 for all ages!English
2020-07-12Delhibird FoundationBikram GrewalThe Great Indian Nature QuizEnglish
2020-07-12Seh ReetiAnisha Jayadevan & Ishika RamakrishnaCitizen Science for Nature SleuthsEnglish
2020-07-11Deccan BirdersChris BowdenWHERE HAVE SOUTH INDIA'S VULTURES GONEEnglish
2020-07-09Maharashtra PakshimitraKishor RitheBird ConservationMarathi
2020-07-05Deccan BirdersDS Dadhwal,Birds of HP & Species Specific ConservationEnglish
2020-07-05Early BirdGaneshwar SVPart 2: Are you a wise-quacker? (quiz) English
2020-07-04Deccan BirdersAvin DeenPet Trade and Its Impact on BirdsEnglish
2020-07-03Mangrove FoundationAvinash BhagatPelagic birdingEnglish
2020-07-03Bird Count IndiaViral JoshiUploading sound recordings to eBird listEnglish
2020-07-01Birdwatchers' SocietySujan Chatterjee, Suhel Quader, Ghazala Shahabuddin, Aasheesh Pittie, Sarala KhalingCitizen bird watchers and their role in conserving birdsEnglish
2020-06-29Delhibird FoundationMartin KelseyWaders for DummiesEnglish
2020-06-29SPROUTSSahas Barve Breeding and Nesting Behaviour of BirdsEnglish
2020-06-28Early BirdManjari JainAnimal ArchitectsEnglish
2020-06-27Early BirdRaja BandiBeyond BirdwatchingTelugu
2020-06-26Madras Naturalist SocietyAnusha ShankarHow Do Hummingbirds Manage To ExistEnglish
2020-06-24Early BirdAbhisheka KrishnagopalBirding through ArtKannada
2020-06-21Delhibird FoundationChris BowdenWhere have Asia's Vultures Gone?English
2020-06-21Early BirdRaja BandiPart 2: Bird BehaviorTelugu
2020-06-21Himalayan NatureCarol InskippFalling in Love with Nepal: Birds, Mountains and PeopleEnglish
2020-06-17NPTELSuhel QuaderIntroduction to birdwatching as a hobby and scienceEnglish
2020-06-16Birds of Thane & RaigadShashank DalviBirding in North-East IndiaEnglish
2020-06-14Early BirdGhazala ShahabuddinKnock-Knock! Who's there?' - A peek into the world of WoodpeckersEnglish
2020-06-14Deccan BirdersBC ChaudhuryCommunity Participation in Conservation of Sarus CraneEnglish
2020-06-14Delhibird FoundationRanjit LalChai & Biscuit with Ranjit LalEnglish
2020-06-13Early BirdGaneshwar SVPart 2: Ecology & Behavior of BirdsTamil
2020-06-13Early BirdRaja BandiPart 1: Bird BehaviorTelugu
2020-06-13Maharashtra PakshimitraBahar BawiskarBird Rescue & Rehabilitation (SoP)Marathi
2020-06-12Early BirdMisha BansalLearning through GamesHindi
2020-06-10Birdwatchers' SocietyAparajita DuttaHornbills in West Bengal & their ConservationEnglish
2020-06-09Kottayam Nature SocietyNishant HPAn Introduction to SeabirdsEnglish
2020-06-08Wildlife Conservation of IndiaGanesh JayaramanRaptors and Raptor PhotographyEnglish
2020-06-07Early BirdGaneshwar SVPart 1: Ecology & Behavior of BirdsTamil
2020-06-07Early BirdRaja BandiBirds and Bird WatchingTelugu
2020-06-07Deccan BirdersDipu KaruthedathuPelagic Birds of IndiaEnglish
2020-06-07Delhibird FoundationNishant and UrviThe Inside Story of the Black KiteEnglish
2020-06-07Birds of Thane & RaigadSaurabh SawantEndemic Birds of IndiaEnglish
2020-06-06Birds of Thane & RaigadPankaj LadBirding in GoaEnglish
2020-06-03Early BirdAbhisheka KrishnagopalPart 2: Ecology & Behavior of BirdsKannada
2020-06-02Wildlife Conservation of IndiaAnanth RamasamySouth Asian birds, habitats and Bird PhotographyEnglish
2020-06-01Maharashtra PakshimitraPriti BangalUnderstanding Mixed species Bird FlocksMarathi
2020-05-31Early BirdRaman KumarPart 1: Ecology & Behavior of BirdsHindi
2020-05-30Natural History Society of PalakkadJishnu K and Vivek SBird Sound Recording : Importance, tools and methodsMalayalam
2020-05-29Delhibird FoundationPamela C RasmussenRediscovery of the Forest OwletEnglish
2020-05-28Deccan BirdersRaman KumarWoodpeckers of the Sal forestsEnglish
2020-05-28Maharashtra PakshimitraSharad ApteBird Calls Bird LanguageMarathi
2020-05-27Early BirdAbhisheka KrishnagopalPart 1: Ecology & Behavior of BirdsKannada
2020-05-25Birds of Thane & RaigadAmrita DebRescue, Restraint, and First-aid in Wild BirdsEnglish
2020-05-24Early BirdRaman KumarBirds and Bird WatchingHindi
2020-05-24Delhibird FoundationRajneesh SuvarnaRaptors for DummiesEnglish
2020-05-24Delhibird FoundationCarol InskippThrowback Birding - Birding in India in 1977English
2020-05-24BNHSRajat BhargavaStatus of Finn's Weaver in India: Past and PresentEnglish
2020-05-24Natural History Society of PalakkadArun SankarGreat Hornbills of NelliyampathyMalayalam
2020-05-23Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran VIntroduction to Birds Habitat - பறவைகள் வாழ்வியல் ஓர் அறிமுகம்Tamil
2020-05-23Bird Count IndiaDhaval VargiyaBeyond BirdwatchingGujarati
2020-05-22Early BirdGaneshwar SVLearning through GamesTamil
2020-05-22Delhibird FoundationBikram GrewalRare Birds of IndiaEnglish
2020-05-21Deccan BirdersGnanaskandan KesavabharathiRaptors of South India English
2020-05-21Delhibird FoundationPrachi MehtaOwls Things Wise and WonderfulEnglish
2020-05-20Wildlife WebinarsRushi Pathak, Gopal Jani and teamExpansion the world of Bird's nestGujarati
2020-05-20Early BirdAbhisheka KrishnagopalLearning through GamesKannada
2020-05-20Wildlife WebinarsRushi PathakWorld of Bird's nestGujarati
2020-05-19Birds of Thane & RaigadPratik Pabhu, Tanmay Gokhale, Kiran KadamBasics of Bird watching in MarathiMarathi
2020-05-18Delhibird FoundationSohail MadanBringing Birds BackEnglish
2020-05-17Early BirdPrachi MehtaBecome a Know-it-OwlEnglish
2020-05-17Wildlife WebinarsK Gopi SundarSarus crane in countrysideHindi
2020-05-16Early BirdGaneshwar SVIntroduction to BirdingTamil
2020-05-16Natural History Society of PalakkadVivek S and Praveen VIntroduction and basic features of ebirdMalayalam
2020-05-16Natural History Society of PalakkadSubramanian K ANatural History of Palakkad GapEnglish
2020-05-16Natural History Society of PalakkadNiranjana CBackyard Birds (Palakkad) - Part IMalayalam
2020-05-16ANHS, KNHS, Red EarthSarath Champati Birds of the Polar RegionsEnglish
2020-05-15Early BirdAbhisheka KrishnagopalLearn How to Draw an Owl!English
2020-05-15Sangamesh PrabhakarSangamesh PrabhakarSparrow conservation, ಗುಬ್ಬಚ್ಚಿ ಸಂರಕ್ಷಣೆKannada
2020-05-15Delhibird FoundationAsheesh PittieThe Joy of Old Fashioned BirdingEnglish
2020-05-14Early BirdAbhisheka KrishnagopalBalcony BirdingKannada
2020-05-14Seh ReetiPeeyush SekhsariaBACKYARD BIRDING for DUMMIESEnglish
2020-05-13ANHS, KNHS, Red EarthPankaj Koparde The secret lives of OwlsEnglish
2020-05-12Maharashtra PakshimitraJayant WadatkarForest Owlet: Rediscovery and Current statusMarathi
2020-05-11BNHSRaju KasambeBreeding Behaviour of Indian Grey HornbillsEnglish
2020-05-11BNHSHimadri Mondal, Atharva SinghClimate Change - It's Impact on Biodiversity and Ethics of Bird WatchingEnglish
2020-05-10Early BirdTuhina Katti, Raman Kumar, P JeganathanBirds on my MindEnglish
2020-05-10Delhibird FoundationMike PrinceMigration for DummiesEnglish
2020-05-09Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran Vபறவைகளின் வலசைப்பயணம் ஓர் அறிமுகம் - Introduction to Birds MigrationTamil
2020-05-09Birds of Thane & RaigadNirav BhattUnderstanding Raptors Basic IdentificationEnglish
2020-05-09BNHSSujit NarwadeGreat Indian Bustard and Lesser Florican of IndiaMarathi
2022-06-11 Indian Music Experience Museum & Early BirdGarima BhatiaBirds and Cities: A Lifetime Ticket to the Theatre of Nature English
2020-05-08Maharashtra PakshimitraSandip SakhareYellow Wattled Lapwing Behavior StudyMarathi
2022-05-26Indian Music Experience Museum Aneesh PradhanBirds in Culture: The Influence of Birds in Hindustani MusicHindi
2020-05-07BNHSSujit NarwadeGreat Indian Bustard and Lesser Florican of IndiaEnglish
2022-05-24 Kumaon Vani Community RadioKumaon Vani Community Radioकुमाऊँ के पक्षी (Birds of Kumaon) Hindi
2020-05-07Wildlife WebinarsDishant ParasharyaBird ringing techniques and importanceGujarati
2022-05-07Coimbatore Nature SocietyBalaji P Bகோவை பறவைகள் (Birds of Coimbatore) Tamil
2020-05-06Maharashtra PakshimitraGirish JatharHow to Publish your Bird sightings / Bird findingsMarathi
2022-04-24Indian Music Experience Museum Giles ThomasBirds in Culture: Company Paintings English
2020-05-06FERNSuresh KumarWhere Amur Falcons DareEnglish
2022-04-17Coastal Karnataka Birdwatchers NetworkDipu KaruthedathuIdentification of Skuas English
2020-05-04Durgapur Wildlife Information and Nature Guide SocietySagar AdhuryaBasics of Bird IdentificationsEnglish
2022-04-16Coastal Karnataka Birdwatchers NetworkAshwin ViswanathanPelagic birds movement and distribution English
2020-05-03Birds of Thane & RaigadAmey KetkarPelagic BirdingEnglish
2022-04-09Indian Music Experience Museum & Early BirdGarima BhatiaBirds and Cities: Balcony Birding English
2020-05-03Birds of Thane & RaigadRamit SingalPipits of IndiaEnglish
2022-03-19Gyaan AdabErach BharuchaSalim Ali- The Charismatic Birdman English
2020-05-03Early BirdSamira AgnihotriBird BanterEnglish
2022-02-17Salem Ornithological FoundationAngeline Mano and S V GaneshwarHow to use eBird during GBBC?Tamil
2020-05-02Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Kovai Sathasivamஊர்புரத்து பறவைகள் ஓர் அறிமுகம்Tamil
2022-02-15Foundation for Ecological Welfare(FEW)Dr Taej MundkurA Talk with Dr Taej Mundkur with Question-Answer Session | Waterbirds and FlywaysEnglish
2020-05-02Delhibird FoundationShashank DalviTalk with Shashank DalviEnglish
2022-02-14Bird Count IndiaMittal GalaGBBC 2022 & Using eBird App (Hindi)
2020-05-02Birds of Thane & RaigadAlka VaidyaMy Life As A BirdeEnglish
2022-02-10KREA UniversityK.S. Gopi SundarThe fallacy of assumptions: Indian cities and farmlands as bird habitatsEnglish
2020-05-02Maharashtra PakshimitraManoj BindBird Photography : Tricks and TipsMarathi
2022-02-08Sri Lanka Bird Identification and Discussion GroupAshwin Viswanathan Gary Allport and Sampath SevinaratneThe Yellow Wagtail Conundrum- Status and Recent findings on Yellow Wagtails of Sri LankaEnglish
2020-05-02BNHSGirish JatharOwls of IndiaMarathi
2022-01-30Assam Bird Monitoring Network & Bird Count IndiaSachin RanadeVultures and their conservationEnglish
2020-05-01SPROUTSSahas BarveLearnings from 50yrs of Bird MonitoringEnglish
2022-01-29Friends of Kerala Sasthra Sahitya Parishath Abudhabi ChapterHarikumar Mannarലോകത്തെ ഒന്നിപ്പിക്കുന്ന ദേശാടനപക്ഷികൾ (Migratory birds that unite the world)Malayalam
2020-04-30Kottayam Nature SocietySujan ChatterjeeSplendors of PapuaEnglish
2022-01-20WWFPraveen JGreat Backyard Bird Count Malayalam
2020-04-30Deccan BirdersP. JeganathanMy tryst with Jerdon's CourserEnglish
2021-12-27Natural Habitat AdventuresAditya PandaDaily Dose of Nature | Birdwatching An Indian Safari HighlightEnglish
2020-04-30BNHSRaju KasambeBreeding Behavior of Indian Grey HornbillMarathi
2021-12-17Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran Vபறவைகள் ஓர் அறிமுகம் ~ Introduction to BirdsTamil
2020-04-29Early BirdGarima BhatiaPart 2: Ecology & Behavior of BirdsEnglish
2021-12-17Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Kovai Sathasivamஊர்புரத்து பறவைகள் ஓர் அறிமுகம்Tamil
2020-04-29Deccan BirdersRohit NaniwadekarConstant Gardeners - Why we need to save HornbillsEnglish
2021-12-17Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran Vபறவைகளின் வலசைப்பயணம் ஓர் அறிமுகம் - Introduction to Birds MigrationTamil
2020-04-28Sanctuary Nature FoundationSaurabh SawantBirding for Beginners - Basics and BeyondEnglish
2021-12-17Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran VIntroduction to Birds Habitat - பறவைகள் வாழ்வியல் ஓர் அறிமுகம்Tamil
2020-04-28Wildlife WebinarsDhaval VargiyaBiology of birdsGujarati
2021-12-17Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. BharathidasanIntroduction to Vultures - பாறு கழுகுகள் ஓர் அறிமுகம்Tamil
2020-04-27Bird Count IndiaRamit SingaleBird Media- Uploading Photos and Merlin AppEnglish
2021-12-17Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran VIntroduction to Ratites - வான் துறந்த பறவைகள்Tamil
2020-04-27Maharashtra PakshimitraGajanan WaghWaders Identification Part -2Marathi
2021-12-17Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Vishnu sankarIntroduction to Aquatic Birds - நீர்வாழ் பறவைகள் ஓர் அறிமுகம்Tamil
2020-04-26Delhibird FoundationRamit SingalAll about PipitsEnglish
2021-12-17Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran VIntroduction to Predators - இரை கொல்லி பறவைகள் ஓர் அறிமுகம்Tamil
2020-04-26Kottayam Nature SocietyShashank DalviLeaf warblers of IndiaEnglish
2021-12-17Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. MuthusamyIntroduction to Owls - ஆந்தைகள் ஓர் அறிமுகம்Tamil
2020-04-26Birds of Thane & RaigadShashank DalviLeaf warblers of IndiaEnglish
2021-12-17Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran VIntroduction to Ducks - வாத்துகள் அறிவோம்Tamil
2020-04-25Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran Vபறவைகள் ஓர் அறிமுகம் ~ Introduction to BirdsTamil
2021-12-17Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran VIntroduction to Cuckoo | Koel - குயில்கள் அறிவோம்Tamil
2020-04-25Delhibird FoundationMartin KelseyWarblers for DummiesEnglish
2021-12-17Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Dr. Badrinarayanan TPlant Birds Interaction - தாவரங்களும் பறவைகளும்Tamil
2020-04-25Birds of Thane & RaigadMayuresh KhatavkarWader IdentificationEnglish
2021-12-16Mangrove FoundationAvinash BhagatPelagic birdingEnglish
2020-04-24Maharashtra PakshimitraGajanan WaghWaders Identification Part -1Marathi
2021-12-13WCS IndiaAmbrish KumarFrom bird watching to tree plantation: Different facets of administrative serviceEnglish
2020-04-22Maharashtra PakshimitraPratiksha KothuleA Brief about VulturesMarathi
2021-12-12Madras Naturalists' SocietyAmoggh, Janani & VenkateshTrip StoryEnglish
2020-04-21Kottayam Nature SocietyRamit SingalKnow Our pipits (Pipits identification )English
2021-12-05Amar UjalaAshish Kothariपक्षी और हम (Birds and Us)Hindi
2020-04-21Maharashtra PakshimitraKiran MoreWebinar on LarksMarathi
2021-11-28Bird Count IndiaKaushik Sarkar, Ashwin ViswanathanCounting BirdsEnglish
2020-04-21FERNKaustubh PandharipandeThe Hunter, the Lesser Florican and the GrasslandsEnglish
2021-11-21Chai and WhyAdithi MuralidharWhat's the bird outside?English
2020-04-20BNHSGirish JatharOwls of IndiaEnglish
2021-11-15Maharashtra Pakshimitra, CEC, BNHSMadhuri Deshmukhखिडकीतून पक्षी निरीक्षण (Window Birding)Marathi
2020-04-20FERNArchana GodboleThe Curious Case of Hornbills and Sacred GrovesEnglish
2021-11-14Wildlife Conservation GroupDr.Uday KumarBird nest boxing for everyoneEnglish
2020-04-19Early BirdMisha BansalPart 1: Are you a wise-quacker? (quiz) English
2021-11-14Bird Count IndiaMuzzafar Khichloo, Ashwin VishwanathanBest Practices in eBirdEnglish
2020-04-19Kottayam Nature SocietyDipu KaruthedathuForest birds of Western GhatsEnglish
2021-11-12Pulari Club, Aravath (Kasaragod)Harish Babu Mഡോ. സലിം അലി ദിനവും നാട്ടിലെ പക്ഷി നിരീക്ഷണവുംMalayalam
2020-04-18BNHSNeha SinhaWild Bird Conservation- Challenges and SuccessesEnglish
2021-11-12Kerala Natural History SocietyC.Susanthസലിം അലി കണ്ട തട്ടേക്കാട്Malayalam
2020-04-18Early BirdAbhisheka KrishnagopalBird StoriesEnglish
2021-11-07Biodiversity Department of Bhavan's College, Andheri, MumbaiSaurabh SawantRecording Bird Sounds & An Introduction To eBirdEnglish
2020-04-18Birds of Thane & RaigadSaurabh SawantEssentials of Bird Identification -English
2021-11-01Maharashtra Pakshimitra, CEC, BNHSSharad ApteAll About FeathersMarathi
2020-04-16Early BirdGarima BhatiaPart 1: Ecology & Behavior of BirdsEnglish
2021-10-24Early BirdSiddharth BiniwaleEavesdropping on Bird CallsEnglish
2020-04-16BNHSNandkishore DudheBirds around usEnglish
2021-10-24Bird Count India, Wildlife Conservation & Birds Club of LadakhMuzzafar Khichloo, Ashwin VishwanathanBest Practices in eBirdEnglish
2020-04-16Wildlife Conservation of IndiaRathika RamasamyWildlife Photography and conservationTamil
2021-10-18Maharashtra Pakshimitra, BNHSManik Deshmukhमाझे महाराष्ट्रातील पक्षी निरीक्षणMarathi
2020-04-12Early BirdAbhisheka KrishnagopalBirding through ArtEnglish
2021-10-11Maharashtra Pakshimitra, CEC, BNHSSachin Mainप्रवासी पक्ष्यांचे स्थलांतरातील विसाव्याचे ठिकाण: ग्रेटर रण ऑफ कच्छ:Marathi
2020-04-12Early BirdAbhisheka KrishnagopalHow to Sketch a Bird!English
2021-10-09BNHS, BCN, FOGSLTuhina Katti, Ankit Bilash Joshi, Gayomini PanagodaBird migration studies in India, Sri Lanka & NepalEnglish
2020-04-12Early BirdAbhisheka Krishnagopalಹಕ್ಕಿಯನ್ನು ಚಿತ್ರಿಸುವುದು ಹೇಗೆ!Kannada
2021-10-06Early BirdSaurabh SawantJoy of BirdwatchingEnglish
2020-04-12BNHSTuhina KattiBird MigrationEnglish
2021-10-01School of Environment, JalgaonDr Vinod BhagwatWildlife rescue: Need and precautions.Marathi
2020-04-12BNHSRaju KasambeBirds in AgricultureEnglish
2021-09-27Maharashtra Pakshimitra, CEC, BNHSDr. Sanjay GaikwadBirds - Treatment and SurgeryMarathi
2020-04-10Early BirdMisha BansalLearning through GamesEnglish
2021-09-21Maharashtra Pakshimitra, CEC, BNHSDr. Ganesh Margajकोंकणातील पक्षी (Birds of Konkan)Marathi
2020-04-08Early BirdGarima BhatiaBalcony Birding : a short introduction to watching birds from your homeEnglish
2021-09-13Maharashtra Pakshimitra, CEC, BNHSDr. Sujit Narwadeमाळरान परिसंस्था आणि नष्ट होत चाललेल्या पक्ष्यांचे संवर्धन (Grassland Habitats and Threatened Birds)Marathi
2020-04-05BNHSRaju KasambeBreeding behaviour of Bronze-winged Jacana English
2021-09-11Deccan BirdersShashank DalviBirder on the roadEnglish
2020-04-04BNHSRaju KasambeBasic Bird Identification and Bird Watching - 1English
2021-09-05Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Dr. Badrinarayanan TPlant Birds Interaction - தாவரங்களும் பறவைகளும்Tamil
2020-04-04BNHSRaju KasambeBasic Bird Identification and Bird Watching - 2English
2021-09-01Durgapur Wildlife Information and Nature Guide SocietySagar AdhuryaBasics of Bird IdentificationsEnglish
2020-02-08Vidarbha Pakshimitra Sammelan, LonarMandar Geeteशेती-शेतकरी व पक्षी सहसंबंधMarathi
2021-09-01Vidarbha Pakshimitra Sammelan, LonarPooja PawarBird Atlas Projects in IndiaMarathi
2020-01-12Maharashtra Pakshimitra Sammelan, Revdanda (Alibaug)Mukund Dhurveगोंदिया जिल्ह्यातील सारस संरक्षण व संवर्धनMarathi
2021-09-01Maharashtra Pakshimitra Sammelan, Revdanda (Alibaug)Mukund Dhurveगोंदिया जिल्ह्यातील सारस संरक्षण व संवर्धनMarathi
2020-01-12Maharashtra Pakshimitra Sammelan, Revdanda (Alibaug)Kiran Moreमहाराष्ट्रातील पक्षांच्या उपप्रजाती व त्यांचे स्थलांतरMarathi
2021-09-01Designer's EdgeJayant Wadatkarप्राचीन काळातील पक्षी निरीक्षण (संदर्भ : लोणारचे दैत्यसुदन मंदिर)Marathi
2021-09-01Maharashtra Pakshimitra Sammelan, Revdanda (Alibaug)Kiran Moreमहाराष्ट्रातील पक्षांच्या उपप्रजाती व त्यांचे स्थलांतरMarathi
2021-09-01Vidarbha Pakshimitra Sammelan, LonarMandar Geeteशेती-शेतकरी व पक्षी सहसंबंधMarathi
2021-08-29Biodiversity Cell of Symbiosis UniversityKarishma PradhanHornbill Conservation in IndiaEnglish
2021-08-23Maharashtra Pakshimitra, CEC, BNHSDr. Anil PimplapureEthno-ornithologyMarathi
2021-08-22Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran VIntroduction to Cuckoo | Koel - குயில்கள் அறிவோம்Tamil
2021-08-15Mathrubhumi Seed & Bird Count IndiaP.O. NameerWebinar on Onam Bird Count 2021 || SEEDMalayalam
2021-08-10National Museum of Natural History, New DelhiDhananjai MohanBirds as a window to natureEnglish
2021-08-08Delhibird FoundationShashank DalviStories from Andaman & NicobarEnglish
2021-08-07Azim Premji UniversityVaishali Shroff & Kaustubh RauNature Writing For Children: Talk with Vaishali Shroff & Kaustubh RauEnglish
2021-08-04WWF & TRAFFICDhananjai Mohan, Prachi Mehta, Ravi Singh, Saket Badola, Merwyn FernandesOwls in illegal Wildlife trade in IndiaEnglish
2021-08-02Maharashtra Pakshimitra, CEC, BNHSDr. Raju KasambeBird Migration in MaharashtraMarathi
2021-08-01Early BirdSuhel QuaderHow to be a WeaverbirdEnglish
2021-08-01Delhibird FoundationArpit DeomurariWild GujaratEnglish
2021-07-24Deccan BirdersNeha SinhaThe Bird and the City Stories of Contemporary Bird ConservationEnglish
2021-07-18Delhibird FoundationUsha LachungpaWild Sikkim English
2021-07-18Bird Count IndiaAshwin ViswanathanPatch Monitoring ProjectEnglish
2021-07-17Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. Chandrasekaran VIntroduction to Ducks - வாத்துகள் அறிவோம்Tamil
2021-07-11Delhibird FoundationAbhinav Special Birds of Himachal PradeshEnglish
2021-07-04Delhibird FoundationC.K. Vishnudas Revisiting Dr. Salim Ali's TrailsEnglish
2021-07-01Asian Adventures & Bubo BirdingMike Prince Birding in India- Series English
2021-06-29Wetlands InternationalTaej Mundkur Launch of a global Waterbird Populations PortalEnglish
2021-06-28BOTRDPrathamesh Desai Basics Of eBird India Website TutorialEnglish
2021-06-27Delhibird FoundationRamki Sreenivasan Extreme Rarities Birds of the North East English
2021-06-27Delhibird FoundationRamki SreenivasanDelhibird Talks: Extreme Rarities - Birding in North-East India (Ramki Sreenivasan)English
2021-06-26Bird Count IndiaMittal Gala Breeding and Behaviour CodeEnglish
2021-06-20Delhibird FoundationIrfan Jeelani Birding in the Kashmir ValleyEnglish
2021-06-20DelhibirdFoundationIrfan JeelaniDelhibird Talks: Birding in the Kashmir Valley (Irfan Jeelani)English/ Hindi
2021-06-13Suzhal Arivom - சூழல் அறிவோம்Mr. MuthusamyIntroduction to Owls - ஆந்தைகள் ஓர் அறிமுகம்Tamil
2021-06-13Delhibird FoundationPronoy Baidya Lainer's Legacy: The Birds of GoaEnglish

Here are some channels that contain many recordings of bird sessions; you may like to subscribe to some of them:
Bird Count IndiaBirds of Thane and Raigad DistrictBirdwatchers’ Society conservation & conversations Deccan Birders Delhibird Foundation Early Bird Explore with Dr. Jayant Wadatkar FERN Kottayam Nature Society Madras Naturalists’ Society Raju Kasambe BNHS Sanctuary Nature Foundation The Green Channel

See also (Videos), (YouTube), and Citizen Science India (YouTube) for a series of lectures on ornithological science.

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