September 7, 2018

August 2018 eBirders of the month

ebirding-challenge-logo-800px-281x300We see a bit of an uptick in birding in August, as some migrants start trickling in and birders venture further afield. Here is the breakup of eBirding in India in the month of August 2018 (with previous month in brackets):

Number of birders: 1,069 (920)
Number of lists (all types): 8,500 (7,600)
Number of observations: 1.36 lakh (1.26 lakh)

August challenge

The challenge for AugustĀ  was to upload at least 5 eligible checklists per week, and of the total, 2 lists from a hotspot new to you (details at the link above). Of the 1,069 eBirders in this month, 21 met the target. These are (excluding group accounts):

Adithya Bhat
Anup Prakash
Deepti Krishnan
dhanapal kondasamy
Ganeshwar S V
Gurpartap Singh
Janardhan Uppada
Lakshmikant Neve
MetalClicks Ajay Ashok
Panchapakesan Jeganathan
Praver Mourya
Ramesh Desai
Sajeev Krishnan
Shilky Sharma
Shilpa Gadgil
Sreekumar Chirukandoth
Steffin Babu
Subhadra Devi
Vidhya Sundar
Vinay Bhat

Many congratulations to all of them!

From the names above, one was chosen using a computer-generated random number. That person is

Shilky SharmaĀ  (see profile)

who receives a copy of The Thing With Feathers, by Noah Strycker as a small gift in appreciation.

Are you doing your best to match the target for September (20 lists, over 12 hours of birding)? And there are a whole set of yearlong challenges for 2018!

Banner image: Red-billed Leiothrix by Sandip Das/Macaulay Library from this checklist.

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Ashok Agarwal
Ashok Agarwal
6 years ago

Congrats to All Ebirders Happy Birding

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eBird India Yearlong Challenge

eBird India Yearlong Challenge

Since April 2014, Bird Count India has hosted monthly eBirding challenges to add fun and friendly competition to birding while contributing valuable data. Explore the yearlong challenges hereā€”are you in?