Many thanks to all eBird users and all our partner groups across India — and congratulations as well!
Note: a ‘record’ is an observation of a species at a particular time and location.
Header Image: Red Collared-Dove (Red Turtle-Dove) Streptopelia tranquebarica © Bhaarat Vyas/ Macaulay Libary
Dear Birders,
A happy moment to note that 1 million in numbers are recorded. It would have been good to see the species list too. Tried accessing the link but couldnt. Please email this link for Referal.
With the cameras and bird photographers all over the sanctuaries in the birding season I should say creating habitat awareness can be easy. 50% are
IT employees with great e-birding skills.
The sketchers and taxonomists are few on the list.
Hello Ma’am, thanks for your comment. The full species list can be seen in the eBird location explorer:
Thanks again!