Pallas’s Fish-Eagle

Pallas Fish-Eagle (Haliaeetus leucoryphus) is a migrant like few others in the northern hemisphere. It breeds during winter in the northern and northeastern parts of the Indian subcontinent and migrates to Mongolia and thereabouts for the summer! Can you think of any other migratory bird that breeds during winter and migrates north during summer?

This wonderful insight was derived only in 2020 when GPS tagged individuals in Mongolia made their way to Bangladesh, and some further west, during winter! One of these birds began breeding in Bangladesh.

Do all subcontinenal Pallas’s Fish-Eagles migrate north during summer or do some stay back? There is so much more to learn about this fascinating species.

Migration map

This animated migration map was created from observations uploaded to the citizen science platform eBird up until 2020. Where present, the inset graph depicts the seasonal likelihood of finding this species (i.e. the proportion of eBird checklists) within its range in India alone. We are grateful to the many birdwatchers around the world who have enabled the creation of this animation by sharing their observations on eBird.

The contents of this page are made available under a CC BY license 

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