May 6, 2019

Endemic Bird Day 2019- Answers to Crossword Puzzle

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Crossword Quiz this year! The energy and interest in this crossword has been extraordinary! We were overwhelmed by record number of participants and want to thank every single one of you for your participation and time. We hope you all learned from it and enjoyed participating in it as much as we enjoyed creating the crossword!

Thank you again all of you and hope to see you in future events and competitions.

Congratulations to Prabhudatta Bal, Sandhya Lenka, Radhika Rajan, Udiyaman Shukla, Bharati Chaturvedi, Tanweer Alam , Regin Ross , Malyasri Bhattacharya , Sheena S, Steffin Babu, Swetashree Purohit, Shuvendu Das , Omkar Dharwadkar, Rajneesh Suvarna, Madhavi Raj, Garima Bhatia, Jessu Paul, Shaurya Rahul Narlanka, Chirag Munje, Jobin Varughese, Rutuja Dhamale, Hemanya Radadia , Vidhya Swaminathan, Vidhya Sundar, Subhadra Devi, Deepa Mohan and an Anonymous birder for getting all the clues correct!

Please see the answers to the crossword clues!

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Banner photo of Laggar Falcon Falco jugger by © Raghu Nathan / Macaulay Library from this checklist

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