Popular, Species Identification

Dark egrets can be white…

By Ramit Singal The previous article focussed on the 4 regularly occurring white egrets from India. In this follow-up post, the attention will shift to egrets that happen to be dimorphic, i.e., they have a dark morph as well as a white morph. The Reef-Egrets are...

Popular, Species Identification

What’s that White Egret sp?

By Ramit Singal Egrets are beautiful and elegant birds to watch. You'll often see them standing still over water and, in a flash, using their long, pointed bills to stab a fish or pick out an insect. No matter where you are in India, it is common to see one or many...

News & Updates, Popular

“Your Emperor Penguin observation in eBird…”

The eBird Data Quality and Review Process   Summary (tl;dr) As eBird data is made publicly available for use in research and conservation it is important to ensure data accuracy as far as possible. To accomplish this, eBird uses a review process comprising...